School Daze
So grown up. You can see the school bus picture that she drew and taped on the front door a few days ago. She could not wait to get on that bus! The moment she'd been waiting for! Such a big bus. Such a small kid. Well, she's done it. She's started kindergarten. Yesterday was Brooklyn's first day of school. You never saw a kid so excited. It broke our hearts to see her get on that bus like such a big girl. We have now entered a new era and some uncharted waters! Madison was asleep when Brooklyn left and it took her a while to figure out that Brooklyn really was gone. Poor kid! She was hopelessly lost without her sister around...actually, we all were! It was a very strange day. Madison, when she realized that Brooklyn was gone said, "Mommy, I'm sick!" That's how heartbroken Maddie was! I felt weird all day too.... We did survive the day, though. Maddie and I are still figuring out what our days will look like without Brooklyn here at home....