Those darn allergies.

My oldest child really hates getting her hair brushed. Without fail, the simple task of brushing Brooklyn's hair becomes a huge dramatic episode with much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Every. Time. We. Brush. Her. Hair.

It's the reason I've chopped her hair short twice before and it is the reason her hair often goes unbrushed (shh...don't tell her that I'm afraid to brush her hair). We did recently get a soft brush that works great when her hair is dry...but after every bath the tangles must be worked out with that mean old "hard" brush.

Tonight, as I pulled Brooklyn closer so that I could (gently) brush the tangles out of her wet hair, she said with her usual dramatic flair, "Mommy, no! I'm very, very allergic!"

You try to continue on without a loud outburst of laughter! She got a full three minutes of reprieve before I could get myself off from the floor where I was rolling about in a fit of mirth.

But the hair was then brushed. And there was much screaming and a great many tears. Oddly enough, the screams of agony did not stop whether I was actually brushing her hair or not.

Maybe she really is allergic.


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