Comings and Goings...

  • Paige is officially 8 months old now. She's just on the verge of learning to crawl. Won't be long now...
  • Paige LOVES Cheerios and rice. A starchy girl.
  • Brooklyn starts school in a week. Yikes. While I'm still pretty nervous about the whole thing, I'm also excited for my girl and all the fun and new experiences of her first school year. She's gonna love it!
  • Sean watched the older two girls on Saturday while I went shopping in Salida with my mom (and Paige, of course). What a treat! I had so much fun and even found some red antique beaters. That and a rag rug. And a few other things. Like I said, FUN!
  • Apparently, Sean and the girls had a good time while I was gone. The house was a wreck (granted, I left it that way) and these were the pictures on my camera when I got home. Hey, he even made sure they got their nap!
  • Maddie is no longer a toddler. She amazes us with the things she says and she keeps up with her big sister just fine now. She's got more personality than most adults could dream of. Especially at 6:30 a.m.
  • This week I'm doing my first ever mentoring/counseling session at our local Women's Resource Spanish. Pray for me!


  1. Becca!!! It's Rachel Kelley! I was thinking about you guys the other day and decided today to try and find your blog, and I did! I'd love to hear from you. Your girls look great! We are in Indiana now. Drop me an e-mail when you have a chance.

  2. Rachel, it's great to hear from you!! I'd love to re-connect with ya. I don't think I have your email address anymore, though. You can email me at rlcannon1 at gmail dotcom, if you see this. Hope to hear from you soon :-)


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