School Daze

So grown up. You can see the school bus picture that she drew and taped on the front door a few days ago. She could not wait to get on that bus!

The moment she'd been waiting for! Such a big bus. Such a small kid.

Well, she's done it. She's started kindergarten. Yesterday was Brooklyn's first day of school. You never saw a kid so excited. It broke our hearts to see her get on that bus like such a big girl. We have now entered a new era and some uncharted waters!

Madison was asleep when Brooklyn left and it took her a while to figure out that Brooklyn really was gone. Poor kid! She was hopelessly lost without her sister around...actually, we all were! It was a very strange day. Madison, when she realized that Brooklyn was gone said, "Mommy, I'm sick!" That's how heartbroken Maddie was! I felt weird all day too....

We did survive the day, though. Maddie and I are still figuring out what our days will look like without Brooklyn here at home. I didn't realize how much Brooklyn directed our day!

Brooklyn really had a blast! She was pretty upset when she got off the bus because her friend had switched seats "because she had allergies." I'm not sure what that was all about but Brooklyn was very tired when she got home so, really, who knows. It took her about thirty minutes to rest before I even tried to ask about her day!

Sounds like the day was good. She has a friend in her class from church. Her real teacher is getting ready to have a baby, so until she returns they have a sub. Brooklyn says that both her substitute teacher and her actual teacher are very nice :-) She was most excited about her music class! I don't think she knew such a thing existed and she was thrilled about it. She also mentioned "B.E." (that's P.E.) and the library and "tons of recess!"

This morning, Brooklyn was all set for more school! I'm still adjusting and so is Madison...but, obviously Brooklyn is doing just fine :-)


  1. Oh, gosh. It makes me tear up seeing Brooklyn so grown up. Hmmm...allergies seem to be a theme in her little life (brushing hair, her friend). Could it be because she's been watching/hearing her mom and dad? Give her a hug and kiss for me!

  2. Yeah, allergies are a pretty common excuse for things around here. Poor Brooklyn has parents who can never stray too far from the Kleenex box! We're rather pathetic, actually. So far, the kids don't seem to have our allergies...well unless allergies to brushes and people count.

  3. So happy to hear that the first day of kindergarten went so well. Ours. . . not so much!! Meredith bawled hysterically and it took me 30 minutes to get out of the classroom. I ended up in tears myself. It was a mess. She has done better and worse since the first day. Everyday is different. It's sad because she really likes it once she gets there but she gets sooo nervous to go!!! Fun times here in Kansas! Hope you are all doing well. Tell everyone hello. ~Abie

  4. Oh I am soo not ready for that yet. Maybe Aaron'll be her bus driver one of these days:)

  5. Abie - poor Meredith! I hope things get better soon...for your sake as much as hers. If Brooklyn so much as whimpered about going to school, I'd have a VERY hard time sending her. As it is, she can't wait to go. Thank goodness or we'd have a truancy problem ;-)

    Izzie - I'm waiting for the day that Aaron is Brooklyn's bus driver! She'd think that was pretty awesome, I know it. She LOVES the bus and always sits right in front :-) She's probably pretty annoying to her bus driver...I can imagine all the questions!


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