So, okay, I'm panicking

Brooklyn turned six last week.

It was a happy occasion.

I decorated. There were plenty of princesses and pink stuff.

She got a special birthday outfit to wear.

And plenty of other gifts too.
Of course there was a party - well, as much party as two sets of grandparents and one set of parents plus two baby sisters can provide.

Her cake was strawberry, just as she requested. This is the same cake Mom made my sister and I for years (and still does, actually). It looks terrible (always does) but, trust me, it's awesome. Actually, mine didn't taste as good as Mom's...wonder why.
And did you notice those sparkly things in here ears?! Yup. Got her ears pierced for her birthday, too.

She looks more and more grown up and I can't stand it. I love this little girl. I'm proud of who she is. I can't wait to see all she becomes. But I'm not handling things so well. This growing up stuff is for the birds.

Today, we went and registered her for Kindergarten.



I'm losing my ever-loving mind, here, folks.

I know I wrote a really nice, long article about how public school was the right choice for her and all...but now I'm just totally. freaking. out. My little girl, out there among the masses, all alone, without me, doing who knows what?

Riding the bus. And switching buses, mind you.

Learning to read, to do math, how to do tricks on the monkey bars, and watching the boy next to her pick his nose until it bleeds. Adoring her teacher (we hope), making new friends, taking tests, and, yes, even doing homework (don't get me started on that one. yes. homework. in kindergarten.)

She'll be gone from 7 a.m. til 4 p.m. Every. Day.

Is it just me, or does that seem a little long for a kindergartner? The bus ride is pretty long, even though we really don't live that far out of town. I've thought about just taking her and picking her up myself but the gas that would waste (and time) probably wouldn't be worth it.

I can't stand the thought of it. I'm hyperventilating even as I type this. I'm panicking.

Did we really make the right choice?!

Oh, Lord, help me trust You!

I know we have to follow through on this decision. It's really the only choice we have at the moment. I know we'll all adjust. I know I'm freaking out mainly because I'm new to this stuff. And really, I know it will all be just fine - if not great.

But just give me some time to get used to the idea of letting my little girl school.


  1. When I start to panic, I PREPARE!!!
    Pray, remind her to wash her hands and she can tell her nose picking friend that he may need to wash his;) Put her name and bus number somewhere visible on her or her backpack. They will probably do this at school. They watch the little ones so closely with all of the new-ness. I ended up taking mine to school the first couple of days to ease us into the situation. Then you could ask the teacher about the bus transition and such. She will come home telling you about all of the great things at school. On the days that she doesn't don't be afraid to call the teacher to find out what's going on--he/she won't mind a bit!
    (former Kindergarten teacher)
    now- crazy mom;)

  2. You're doing such a great job Becca, she is turning out beautifully. As evidenced by the lovely outfit she had on Friday night. I'll lend it to you for the first day of school. Want to make that good impression... Seriously, she's great. I'll pray for a good transition!

  3. Also, can I have the strawberry cake recipe? Ilon asked for that for her bday, was going straight for the boxed kind of course until I saw your blog...

  4. Wendy, thanks for the advice! I'll take that to heart, for sure!

    Izzie, I'm gonna have to pass on that outfit for Brooklyn. She'd love it, though, wouldn't she?! Oh my. Talk about growing up too fast. You are welcome to the strawberry cake really is very easy, and since it NEVER turns out very pretty it can't be screwed up! I don't think I have your can email me at rlcannon1 at gmail dotcom and then I'll send it your way! I guess that is the easiest way?


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