Short and Sweet.
It's 8:30 a.m., I'm still in my pajamas with the Wildest Hair South of The Border, the house is a mess, Maddie is still in her soggy nighttime diaper, I have a huge mountain of laundry to do and a prayer letter to I'm really going to try to make this quick. The baseball game still didn't work out. It POURED here on Sunday night. Sean and I went out and found the streets flooded, trees knocked down, and cars stuck in several places -the whole city was shut down. The electricity eventually went off due to a very big lightning strike. So, we spent the evening enjoying the storm, the crispness of the air, and the candlelight. Does this mean rainy season has started? I sure hope so! It has cooled down considerably here, not getting above 75 or 80 degrees. The cool air is refreshing after so many stifling hot days. I finally got to see the MAF office last night. I think the proper word for it would be...."cute." The building is tiny and I'm ...