
Well, Brooklyn stayed sick most of the day. We made do with what we had and she sat in an office chair in front of the TV with a pillow. Not quite as comfortable, but she's four and can sprawl out better on an office chair than the rest of us could! Poor thing threw up at regular intervals until around 3:30 this afternoon when it suddenly stopped. She's a lot more energetic now. I can tell she isn't totally well yet, but she is on the mend, at least. Sean and I are both begrudgingly admitting to feeling a little under the weather ourselves...let's hope it is just due to sleepiness after a rough night.

In other news, Sean went to get our furniture (I'm staying home with Maddie, who went to bed early)! We'll let you know if it all actually works out. I told Sean that, if we're going to be sick all weekend, we might as well have a couch to wallow on! We'll see....

It was a rough night in the Cannon household last night. Brooklyn kept coming into our room and I finally just went and laid down with her on her bed for a while. She tossed and turned and I thought to myself, how can she not be tired, did she get too much sugar or caffeine? Folks, it never even occurred to me that she might not be feeling well. And she never uttered a word that indicated she wasn't feeling right, but at about ten till five this morning, we all discovered what was the matter with Brooklyn. Poor thing threw up all over her bed. She has been throwing up since, though her tummy is pretty empty. She wants to feel well, but when she tries to get up and play, it hits her again.

So, why am I grumpy? Well, obviously I didn't get much sleep last night but that isn't really why. You see, yesterday we were supposed to have finally gotten the furniture that we ordered over a week ago. But we didn't. I've lived outside the U.S. long enough to have known better than to get my hopes up that we'd actually get something when we were told we would get it, but I got excited and in the haze of that excitement I forgot how things usually go. I was grumpy last night when we had to eat on the flimsy outdoor plastic table (though I should be grateful we have that) and I'm grumpy this morning because I have a sick child that I can't tuck comfortably on the couch watching a movie. Instead, she's on our bed and it's like skinning a cat trying to keep her in there resting.

I'm not trying to sound whiny here (though I know I probably am) because I know just how blessed we are to have all that we do already when we've only been here for three weeks. But when my babies are sick and there isn't much I can do to make them feel better it just frustrates me. I'm just GRUMPY...and well, I figured there are a lot of you out there who will pray for both my sickly child and my poor attitude :-) Thank you! I'll keep you updated on Brooklyn's health...she sure is trying to feel better.


  1. Oh, poor baby Brooklyn. It's even harder when they're brave like that, huh? Just breaks your heart. I'll be praying for both of you today.

    I know what you mean about wanting to snuggle her in on the couch. That's what I've always done with sick children...and myself. Can Brooklyn watch a movie in bed from your laptop?


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