
Well, this has been a good week so far. We've settled in to a semi-routine, and it is really helping us all feel a little more grounded. Of course, most of my plans for the week have been thwarted...but this is motherhood, so, actually, all is normal! Here are some tidbits from the week...
  • Sean started going in to the office at the airport and is working on all the details needed to get our missionary visas and his Mexican pilot's license. He is in the "observation" stage here, which means he's - you guessed it - observing...everything. He did get to go on one flight Monday, which he enjoyed. I know he's looking forward to getting back in the air. However, it may take some time for him to be able to get his Mexican license to fly...pray for that!
  • I've been busy mopping and cleaning! I don't mind it, really - it's a part of life that must be dealt with no matter where you are. It's so awesome to have a washer and dryer of our own. Of course, I hardly have to use the dryer. It takes just as long for clothes to dry in the dryer as it does on the line! Seriously, jeans dry in an hour or less hanging on the line in the sun. Um, wow! That's really something, considering that it took a day or two to dry anything on the line in Shell. This is a benefit, since gas (everything runs on propane) here is a lot more expensive than it was in Shell.
  • I've also started doing homeschool with Brooklyn. Her preschool teacher gave me all the papers that she was going to use for the rest of the year and I also have a workbook and other materials that we can use. So far, Brooklyn absolutely loves homeschool and she begs me to do it all the time. We spend about an hour maximum together. I'm having fun, myself, though I wish I had more time to prepare and better materials that I could use with Brooklyn. I'm sure I'll have more blog posts in the future about our preschool homeschooling experience - I hadn't really expected to do this, but now that we are, I'm discovering that homeschooling is much different than I had is better, easier, more rewarding, and Brooklyn enjoys it way more than I expected. Yesterday we had a mini-celebration together when she wrote a perfect lower case "u." Who knew I'd be so proud of her over a silly little "u"? But seriously, you should have seen it!
  • Sean didn't go into the office today. He's gone at the moment running more errands with our car. It feels like all we do is run errands or shop or clean. I was reminded yesterday that eventually things will settle down. I'm looking forward to that. Brooklyn is beginning to think that a day is not complete unless we have been to at least two stores.
  • Maddie has learned to climb up and down our stairs. It makes me so nervous, but she does pretty good. It's hard to keep her off the steps - she loves the independence of going wherever in the house she wants to go!


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