So glad that's over...

Yesterday was just a BAD day. I woke up sick to my stomach. Must of caught Brooklyn's bug or something. I was so achey that I couldn't get comfortable in any position. On top of the tummy-ache, I also had the beginnings of a head cold coming on.

I tried to be brave and strong while Sean went in to the office, but it soon became obvious that I was not going to make it through the day by myself with the girls. They were running wild, crying, needing things, and I could barely move to help them. I tried to help Brooklyn make her waffles for breakfast. It didn't go well. My stomach rolled at just the thought of food, and actually smelling it put me over the edge. All this while both my hungry girls cried, and fought, and whined, and generally ran a muck.

So what did I do? I called my Night in Shining Armor. My sweet husband came to my rescue, even though it meant he didn't get to go flying. (I'm still feeling horrible about that.) I guess he could hear by my voice (and the screaming children in the background), that I was not handling the situation very well. I was so grateful when he walked through the door. I went straight back to bed and slept a few hours.

Eventually, Sean did go back into the office. I was still not feeling very well, but I was at least well enough to take care of my kids - even if that meant putting a movie on for them to watch while I wallowed on the couch. (So glad we got the couch!)

Sean ended up going out to eat tacos with some friends - if you know me at all, you know I must have been VERY sick to turn down a chance to go out to eat. I stayed home and took a long, hot bath. It seems to have been the very thing I needed. I felt much better after the bath, and was even able to eat something for the first time all day.

The only bright spot in the day was that Sean's birthday present was delivered yesterday! A recliner!! I wanted so badly to surprise Sean with a gift that would blow his socks off - I haven't ever really been able to do that in our 7.5 years of marriage. So, my parents and I worked up a little plan to surprise Sean with a big, special gift from the three of us. I quietly did some shopping while Sean was away at work and found the perfect recliner. It was so much fun to see his face when he walked in to find his very own chair sitting in the middle of the room with a big blue bow. It isn't quite his birthday yet, but when I went in to order the chair, I was told they weren't making it anymore and that the chair on the floor was all they had. It was on sale and I just couldn't let it slip through my fingers, so I went ahead and got it early. I don't think Sean minds that he got his birthday present a week early - I haven't heard any complaints anyway :-)

I feel so much better today. I'm anxious to catch up on all the things I didn't get done yesterday around the house - laundry, mopping, dusting, cleaning bathrooms. I probably won't get it all done, but it will feel nice to reckon a little order around here....


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