Children giving their parents heart attacks....

After all of our exploring Saturday morning, we came back home for naps. I was sleeping soundly when I woke to the sound of a screaming baby and Sean asking for help - QUICK! My first foggy thought was that Sean was having a hard time changing a diaper or something but as Sean hurried into our room with Maddie in his arms, I realized something was really wrong. Sean, who had been working on the computer, had heard Maddie's cry and ran in to find a SCORPION in the crib with Madison. I began searching Madison's body for evidence that the scorpion had stung her and Sean ran to catch the scorpion so that we would be able to describe it to doctors. We went to the Ross' house right away and they began calling Mexican doctors that they know. We finally found where the scorpion had stung Maddie - her left pointer finger had swollen to twice its size. But other than her sore, swollen finger, she was acting totally normal. Still, all we could think about was how very poisonous scorpions can Ecuador, children have died from scorpion stings when the MAF plane couldn't get to them in time. Yeah, we were a little scared!

Mike finally got a hold of a doctor that goes to their church. After carefully describing the scorpion over the phone, the doc was able to tell Mike that it wasn't the deadly kind of scorpion. He suggested a small dose of Benedryl in case of allergic reaction, and to just watch her closely. Maddie was happily playing, glad to have gotten out of a nap, and eating a Popsicle, so it was obvious she wasn't having any kind of allergic reaction to the sting. Whew! All we could do was praise God that He watched out for our baby girl and that she was really none the worse for wear but for a really fat little finger. Sean and I are still taking deep breaths after that scare. These kids, I tell you, can really make their parents' heart rates reach dangerous levels in the blink of an eye.


  1. Oh my, I think my heart raced as I read that post! I am so glad your little one is alright!


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