Officially a toddler...

Madison is really keeping us on our toes. Really. Keeping. Us. On. Our. Toes.

She's 18 months old now - that means she is just tall enough to reach everything we think we put out of her reach. This morning she got into a bunch of papers and had them all over the place in the blink of an eye. She turned off the computer, dipped the remote to our fan (fancy, I know, isn't it cool?) in my coffee, pulled a cup of water off the nightstand, and who knows what else...all in the span of about 1 minute. She is busy! I've pulled keys out of the toilet, re-rolled toilet paper rolls that have been completely unrolled, washed grubby hands that grabbed some gross object, folded clothes and returned them to their drawers, gathered mismatched shoes from all ends of the house, and fished shoes out the turtle's bowl more times than I care to remember.

We've seen some real doosies as far as temper tantrums go too. Ohmygranny! This kid is not to be messed with. Even as I type, she's throwing a royal fit because she is sitting on a book and can't pick it up at the same time.

She's also been known to yell "Mama" or "Daddy" very loud in the car no matter how many times you acknowledge her. Add her wildness in the car to Brooklyn's and you have very stressful driving conditions - and that's just inside the car.

How is it then, that I still find her so irresistibly cute? Even when she's in the throes of a cataclysmic, end-of-the-world-fervor tantrum, I smile to myself and think man, she's cute! Am I a sucker or what?


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