
Showing posts from May, 2008


Yes, we finally got them! It feels good to know we have that major step in establishing ourselves here in Mexico accomplished at last. Now we can figure out what needs to be done to get our shipment here. Yippeee!! I had to post Maddie's "mugshot" from her visa. Too. Cute. We've been in Mexico for 10 weeks now. It is kind of hard to believe. Don't know if I'm thinking we've been here for less time than that, or longer. Kind of both, I guess. In one sense, it barely feels like we've landed here in Oaxaca. On the other hand, our time in Ecuador already feels like a lifetime ago. We've had our ups and downs lately, but having our visas makes me feel like we're getting somewhere, that we are beginning to "settle" in to life here. We are still, of course, waiting for Sean's pilot license. I'm pretty sure we'll have a party when he gets that in hand! I know that many of you have been praying with us about our visas,

Happy Memorial Day

No, they don't celebrate Memorial Day in Mexico...but we are having a picnic with our American friends. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have realized what day it is.... I know. It is sad. I've so lost touch with most American holidays. Christmas and Easter, I still get to celebrate - but the rest? Not so much. I'm still sick. I know that morning sickness is actually a good sign -that the pregnancy is going well and that all is normal. But I hate it. I am wondering when this will end. Considering I'm only 9 weeks along, it could still be WEEKS until I stop getting queasy at the sight/smell/thought/mention of food. I'm learning to just deal with it and I'm so glad I'm sick like this for a good cause :-) Still, I wouldn't mind if this stage passed me by a little sooner! Brooklyn got a new bike! She loves her new Strawberry Shortcake wheels. We take her to the park and,boy, does she cover some ground! Sean and I spent the weekend re-arrang

Accident Prone

Poor Maddie. She just seems to perpetually have some sort of bruise or scrape on her forehead or face. Doesn't seem to matter what we do, she still finds a way to hurt herself. (Hmmmm....she appears to have my gracefulness as well as my stubbornness. Great.) Last night, she fell out of the swing when we were at the park. Sean and I were right there next to her and neither one of us was quick enough to grab her before she smacked her face in the dirt. She cried a little bit, but was mostly upset because she didn't get to stay in the swing. Maddie cried. Her parents felt awful. Brooklyn was mad at her little sister for cutting the fun short. Maddie was fine, if a bit bunged up. Typical day for the Cannon family.

Uh, so I haven't blogged in a while....

Yes, I know it. I'm terrible. The morning sickness, combined with a just plain boring life, has me shying away from the computer more and more everyday. Here's what's up: Morning sickness has been killing me! I didn't have it this bad the first two times. And I'm a whimp, so that makes it even worse. I took to wearing socks tied on my wrists. I suppose I should be somewhat embarrassed by that previous sentence, but I fail to dig up even a sliver of remorse for my weirdness. It worked. The knot from the tied socks rested on a pressure point in my wrists that is proven to reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Our co-worker, Joan, just brought me some Sea Bands from the States, so now I have lovely sweatband-looking things that do the same thing as the socks did. Sean is now a little less embarrassed to be seen with me in public. Life is good - these things are doing the trick, and though I still get a little sick, it is nothing compared to what I ha

The Reality of Settling In

I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but Sean and I have moved around. A lot. In 7 1/2 years of marriage we have lived in five different countries and somewhere around ten different houses. That means how many moves? You would think I'd be used to it by now. But every time we move, at around this time, I am once again blindsided by the reality of moving and settling in. Folks, it ain't easy. In fact, you could say it's a lot like fun....only different. "Different" meaning miserable, overwhelming, discouraging, and down-right upsetting in this case. What I don't want to do is imply that I hate our life (cause I love it!)...or that I am regretting our decision to move to Mexico (cause I don't ). Call me crazy, but I am still completely convinced we are right where we are supposed to be. God has not and will not desert us. Having done this moving thing a time or two in the past, I'm well acquainted with the feelings I'm having at th

What We're Doing...

It has been so great having Sean home that I've really neglected this blog. We've had a good weekend - going downtown, cleaning house together, going for drives, watching movies, even going to a baseball game. It has been so unbelievably hot these days. Our house is an oven, so we just end up going out just to get away from the stifling heat. I'm still feeling pretty sick - especially today. (Saturday wasn't bad until we were at the baseball game, maybe because we kept busy.) We haven't done much today. We even stayed home from church since I'm feeling so rotten and we're all so tired. It was a rough night - there was a major party going on in our neighborhood last night, so none of us got a very good sleep. Our concrete house had soaked up that hot sun all day so our room especially was miserably hot - that in addition to the loud music going all night really made me grumpy and sleepless...and still does. Here are some pictures from our fun time at the

Day Two

This is our second day without Daddy. It stinks. I've been talking to Sean on the phone. He's still in Mexico City and not coming home anytime soon. Appears there was a major miscommunication. The course he went up for was for FOUR days, not just a few hours like we'd thought. Still, luck would have it that the course is finished early! Except. The right guy has to sign the paperwork. He's not coming until Friday. And Sean has to be there in person to pick up the paperwork. Which means we won't see Sean until Friday afternoon. He got a hotel room and is basically just sitting around now, waiting. He isn't too anxious to go traipsing around a huge city all by himself and he didn't take his camera anyway. He's pretty far away from anything interesting, taxis are expensive, it isn't exactly the safest city in the world...I feel sorry for him up there sitting around with nothing to do. For me, that would be heaven - nice hotel room, no kids, q

The Not-So-New News

I haven't kept up on my blogging very well, have I? I have to be honest. I'm in the throes of morning sickness and I'm zapped for energy. There you have it. My excuse. If you haven't experienced morning sickness then you don't know why I couldn't just sit down at the computer and type a little something, but if you have experienced morning sickness then I know you understand! Ugh. Well, I happen to feel okay for the moment and I wanted to catch you up on the goings-on around here.... Sean did mention a while ago on his blog something about a little trip we tried to have. Well, the trip was cut short due to a certain toddler having a certain diaper issue . I'll spare you the gory details but suffice it to say, the three mostly-dry wipes in the diaper bag didn't begin to take care of the matter and, therefore, we all went home early - stinky and a little on the grumpy side. The joys of parenting. It's probably true that a major archaeologic

You Heard it Here First....

(unless you've spoken to Sean's parents or mine) Baby's due December 25, 2008!