Uh, so I haven't blogged in a while....

Yes, I know it. I'm terrible. The morning sickness, combined with a just plain boring life, has me shying away from the computer more and more everyday. Here's what's up:

  • Morning sickness has been killing me! I didn't have it this bad the first two times. And I'm a whimp, so that makes it even worse. I took to wearing socks tied on my wrists. I suppose I should be somewhat embarrassed by that previous sentence, but I fail to dig up even a sliver of remorse for my weirdness. It worked. The knot from the tied socks rested on a pressure point in my wrists that is proven to reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Our co-worker, Joan, just brought me some Sea Bands from the States, so now I have lovely sweatband-looking things that do the same thing as the socks did. Sean is now a little less embarrassed to be seen with me in public. Life is good - these things are doing the trick, and though I still get a little sick, it is nothing compared to what I had before!
  • Smells are getting to me too. Sean keeps using this bug spray that has sent me running to the bathroom (to throw up) on more than one occasion. Yet he still stubbornly wears the stuff. I could kill him. Instead, when he selfishly sprayed himself against mosquitoes again last night, I stuffed cotton balls up my nose....and smeared a little baby lotion under my nose for backup. Yeah, I'm looking pretty sexy these days.
  • We got chocolate. I might just make it. Mike and Joan brought us some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups from their little trip North. I call that true friendship. Heaven in a golden wrapper, I tell you!
  • We have our first house guest tonight! A couple of our old pals from Ecuador are ferrying (flying) a plane up to the States from Ecuador. Tonight they are here in Oaxaca. Freddy is staying with us - he is one of the Ecuadorian pilots. It has been fun catching up with him and hearing all the latest from Shell, where he lives and works. I really got into the excitement of having somebody to fix our guest room up for. Of course, we don't have our shipment, which means there aren't any curtains on the windows (or much of anything else in that room), but I had to buy new bedding anyway so I went to the store to find something this morning. There weren't many options but I like what I found and I was quite pleased with how comfy it looks in there :-) Still so much to do - in that room and every other - but I love that the process is now officially "started."
  • If you couldn't tell by that last little item, I am in serious nesting mode. I'm so anxious to get this house fixed up to my liking. We're mostly just waiting for our shipment....and some extra cash so we can buy the rest of the furniture and other stuff we still need. Every room needs painting, we need to install ceiling fans and light fixtures, the bathrooms need some mirrors, etc. I cannot wait to begin decorating and making this place feel homey...but I have to wait, instead. I know that, with time, it will all happen. I have never been a very patient girl, though.
  • We were supposed to have a meeting to get our visas today. Now they say Monday. Why do I not believe them?
  • We're trying to nail down a date for our furlough. Looks like maybe sometime in October? Can't help but get a teensy bit excited about a six-month furlough in the States!!!!!!!!!! Whoo-hoo! It's gonna be fun.
  • It has been raining again lately. It has truly cooled off and I'm lovin' it! Things are getting green fast around here. Even though it is rainy season, it isn't like it was in Shell - we still see the sun quite a lot. I like the combo - sunny days with some really cool afternoon thunderstorms!
I suppose I could find more to say, but I'm beat. I'd better just get my tail in bed. Nights seem to go too quickly these days.....


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