Day Two

This is our second day without Daddy.

It stinks.

I've been talking to Sean on the phone. He's still in Mexico City and not coming home anytime soon. Appears there was a major miscommunication. The course he went up for was for FOUR days, not just a few hours like we'd thought.

Still, luck would have it that the course is finished early!


The right guy has to sign the paperwork. He's not coming until Friday. And Sean has to be there in person to pick up the paperwork.

Which means we won't see Sean until Friday afternoon. He got a hotel room and is basically just sitting around now, waiting. He isn't too anxious to go traipsing around a huge city all by himself and he didn't take his camera anyway. He's pretty far away from anything interesting, taxis are expensive, it isn't exactly the safest city in the world...I feel sorry for him up there sitting around with nothing to do. For me, that would be heaven - nice hotel room, no kids, quiet, no reason to do anything but read a book and order room service - but that sort of thing is the very thing that literally gives Sean headaches. He needs something to do. Please pray for him, the next few days could go very slowly for him.

And for us too.

I've been doing my best to keep busy - grocery shopping, movies with Brooklyn, games with the girls, cleaning this wreck of a house, laundry....all while trying to pretend I'm not ready to puke my guts out. The only way to keep this morning sickness at bay is to either hold very still or go about my business and try to ignore it. Can't exactly lie very still with two crazy girls running about (though I did try that method yesterday) so now I'm cleaning like a maniac and dragging the girls into the chores with me. It will work for today since there really is a ton to get done.

But tomorrow?

Who knows.

Friday, come quickly!


  1. I feel your heartache! My hubby just got back from a ten day trip with a missions group in veracruz (where one of the churches we started is at). It was a crazy time, kids sick, etc. I will be praying for you EVERY DAY, until your man gets home.

  2. Just stopping by to say have a blessed Mother's Day.

    And--when I got pregnant with my third my husband had to take a 10 day business trip just as the morning sickness began which for me means several trips to the hospital and home ivs. I moved the girls to the living room, gave the oldest a pile of videos and spent the whole time on the couch. No fun.


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