The Not-So-New News

I haven't kept up on my blogging very well, have I? I have to be honest. I'm in the throes of morning sickness and I'm zapped for energy. There you have it. My excuse. If you haven't experienced morning sickness then you don't know why I couldn't just sit down at the computer and type a little something, but if you have experienced morning sickness then I know you understand!


Well, I happen to feel okay for the moment and I wanted to catch you up on the goings-on around here....

  • Sean did mention a while ago on his blog something about a little trip we tried to have. Well, the trip was cut short due to a certain toddler having a certain diaper issue. I'll spare you the gory details but suffice it to say, the three mostly-dry wipes in the diaper bag didn't begin to take care of the matter and, therefore, we all went home early - stinky and a little on the grumpy side. The joys of parenting. It's probably true that a major archaeological site isn't really the place to drag your babies anyway. Someday we'll learn. For the moment, our lives are relegated to play-places, parks, zoos, places with bathrooms, that sort of thing.... Someday, though, we'll really have to go back to Monte Alban. What a cool place.
  • Sean took me out on a date Saturday night. Dinner and a movie. I could get used to this.
  • Today is Cinco de Mayo. Click here to read up on it. You might be surprised what you learn. I was.
  • Tonight, Sean is getting on the bus for Mexico City again. He has some things to do concerning his Mexican pilot's license. We'd appreciate your prayers for this whole licensing thing. Sure would be nice if he could come home with his new license in hand! That possibility is very remote...however, we serve a BIG GOD.
  • I was bitten (stung?) by a couple of small ants a few days ago. I've always been allergic to ant bites, but this was ridiculous. My forearm swelled up and it hurt just to move it. The top of my hand looked deformed with a huge bump and welts as well. The bites seem to be healing and the swelling has gone down, though the areas where I was bitten/stung are still discolored, almost like a fading bruise. Weird.
  • The rain stopped. I'm mad about that. It's getting hot again and that does not help me feel any better. I took to sticking my head in the freezer when it got really hot, but then our ice cream melted and I got complaints for wasting the cold air and messing up the poor fridge. I fail to see why everybody couldn't just drink their ice cream in the name of love for a suffering mommy-to-be.
  • Speaking of mommy-to-be. Is it just me, or does every woman in her third pregnancy get round this early? Seriously.
  • I'm getting very impatient about our "stuff." The majority of our belongings are still sitting in Quito, Ecuador. We're waiting for our visas before it can all be sent. Once the shipment is sent, who knows how long it will take to get it here or what state it will all be in. I'm dying to get our things back. Camping out in your own house loses it's fun factor fairly early on.
  • Our visas are supposed to be done this week. Sure hope so! We have a lot on hold right now, waiting for those visas. (Did I mention one of those things was our shipment? I'm just saying, in case you forgot...) Anyway, pray with us about that too, please?!
  • Madison's new obsession (in addition to shoes) is jackets. She wants one on first thing in the morning and won't take let you take it off her, no matter how hot it gets. She struts around the house in pajamas, dress shoes, and a jacket with the sleeves pushed up and the shoulders falling off.
  • It's time to go clothes shopping for Brooklyn already. Dresses. She wants dresses. It's practically all she'll wear these days. The dresses she has are a little on the short side now. She has stretched again. You suppose she'll be tall?


  1. I feel your pain, sista! Getting all of the proper paperwork is like joining a three-ring circus! Having a baby here isn't much better! I'll be praying for you!

  2. Hmmm...showing already? Twins? Hee, hee. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

  3. Ha, ha. Very funny.

    You really shouldn't joke about such things.


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