
Yes, we finally got them! It feels good to know we have that major step in establishing ourselves here in Mexico accomplished at last. Now we can figure out what needs to be done to get our shipment here. Yippeee!!

I had to post Maddie's "mugshot" from her visa. Too. Cute.

We've been in Mexico for 10 weeks now. It is kind of hard to believe. Don't know if I'm thinking we've been here for less time than that, or longer. Kind of both, I guess. In one sense, it barely feels like we've landed here in Oaxaca. On the other hand, our time in Ecuador already feels like a lifetime ago.

We've had our ups and downs lately, but having our visas makes me feel like we're getting somewhere, that we are beginning to "settle" in to life here. We are still, of course, waiting for Sean's pilot license. I'm pretty sure we'll have a party when he gets that in hand!

I know that many of you have been praying with us about our visas, Sean's license, and all the other details of establishing ourselves in a new country. THANK YOU! On discouraging days, we remember that we aren't in this alone. We have friends and family praying for us - and most importantly, we have Someone on our side who will never let us down. God is good!


  1. Oh, how sweet a picture of Maddie! Doesn't look like a "mug shot" at all! Praise the Lord, He IS Good! Loving and missing you all so much! Mom/Bunny


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