To Grandmother's house we went!

Last week, Mom, the girls, and I made a whirlwind trip out to Eastern Kansas to visit my precious Grandma. We made a somewhat last-minute plan to go, only to find out the night before we were planning to leave that the weather was supposed to be awful somewhere around the Colorado-Kansas border. The phrase bitter disappointment doesn't begin to describe how I went to bed feeling that Sunday night. Mom woke me up early on Monday morning to announce that the weather had cleared and we still had a chance to go! Praise God! I jumped out of bed and two hours later, we were on the road for a loooonnnggg trip - 14 hours both ways - but it was totally, completely worth it. We only got to stay for one full day before we had to head back to Colorado but it was a great time and I'm so grateful that God cleared the way and kept us safe so we could make the trip. I love my Grandma Jean dearly and to miss a chance to see her sweet self would have been HORRIBLE! The girls sure do love h...