To Grandmother's house we went!

Last week, Mom, the girls, and I made a whirlwind trip out to Eastern Kansas to visit my precious Grandma.

We made a somewhat last-minute plan to go, only to find out the night before we were planning to leave that the weather was supposed to be awful somewhere around the Colorado-Kansas border. The phrase bitter disappointment doesn't begin to describe how I went to bed feeling that Sunday night.

Mom woke me up early on Monday morning to announce that the weather had cleared and we still had a chance to go! Praise God! I jumped out of bed and two hours later, we were on the road for a loooonnnggg trip - 14 hours both ways - but it was totally, completely worth it.

We only got to stay for one full day before we had to head back to Colorado but it was a great time and I'm so grateful that God cleared the way and kept us safe so we could make the trip. I love my Grandma Jean dearly and to miss a chance to see her sweet self would have been HORRIBLE! The girls sure do love her too. She's just about the most wonderful person on the planet (and I'm not just saying that because I know she reads this blog! Anybody who knows her would agree, I promise.)

In addition, I also got to see some aunts, an uncle, and my cousin and his wife. Thanks, Altics and Aunt Leah, for coming out to see me! I love you all too much! Next time, I promise we'll stay longer. ;-)





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