I'm still here!

Were you  wondering where I went?  I haven't been too excited about blogging with my blog being so difficult and mean, but I think I've fixed the issues I was having....or at least made my peace with a new layout.  I've added an "About" page above and that has taken the place of the majority of what I used to have on my sidebar.  For reasons I'll never understand, The Internet decided I couldn't have a sidebar any more.  Sigh.  Oh well.  This will work too.

I have some really great pictures to post!   But I spent my entire Sunday afternoon trying to fix my blog layout and so the pictures will have to wait a bit longer - I'm computered out. I've got to get more streamlined in my picture taking, saving, and posting.  It is such a hassle.

We are still having a great time here in 'Merica!  (That's how Paige says it.)  It snowed yet again today - loving the snow and cold weather!  Mom and I did some shopping for Indonesia clothes and I have to admit it made me miss the warm weather a little bit - but more than anything I'm now terrified of the day I have to re-adjust to that heat and humidity!  I have thoroughly enjoyed wearing long pants and sweaters for a change.  And my hair!  I can actually fix my hair here!

And, with that totally silly comment, I will say good-bye for now!  Hope to post more soon!



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