Farm livin'

I love - really love - farm life. I grew up here, surrounded by big skies, wide fields, blue mountains, various livestock, and the smell of hay. It's in my blood. And it's probably one of the things I miss the most about life in the States. It's also probably the very thing that prepared me for my life overseas.

Farm life.

What a joy to share with my girls - and, goodness, are they ever into it!

The other day we spent over an hour just walking around my parents' little farm, enjoying sunny (but still cold) weather and saying hello to all the animals here.

Chickens. I miss having chickens. Sean and I have seriously considered getting chickens in Palangkaraya, actually. Um, honey? I have an idea!

These horses are old now - they are getting all sway-backed and toothless. I have lots of memories of riding Camper and Brodie in the mountains with my Dad. Back then, they were skittish and I was usually terrified! Dixie is long-buried, as are several other faithful steeds, laying to rest beneath the old cottonwood tree.

Brooklyn would like Grandpa to get a new one. She promises to help name it. And to ride it when we're here.

Ms. Vicki, the 1948 GMC truck, still resides here looking surprisingly good for her age and the fact that a huge bale of hay landed on top of her hood one day a few years back!

When I was a kid, there was an old wood wagon mostly buried in sand back behind the barn. I figured out a way to scurry underneath that wagon and it was the best hidey hole under there. In fact, the first and only time I "ran away" from home was to that wagon hiding place. Of course, Mom and Dad never knew because I was back home in time for dinner. Wonder if this old wagon wheel is from that wagon...or another one like it?

Ah, to be a kid on a farm again...



  1. Glad you guys are havIng such a good time! Let us know when you're free to come over!!

  2. Pat and I are so glad you get to be in Colorado.... for some snow, fun and relaxation.

    Love always - Nancy


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