Best Vacation Ever! And some pictures!

 We are really having a great time in Colorado.  We miss Daddy a LOT but it's far better to be awaiting his return here than all alone in Indonesia.  In just 1 week and 1 day, he'll join us here!!!!

We have been enjoying lots of Mexican food, cold weather, snow, beautiful mountain views, family time, Mexican food, shopping trips, American foods, good coffee, church in English, libraries, sledding, and Mexican food. 

Our schedule has been pretty full.  I brought along our homeschool stuff and today is only the second day we've had time to hit the books. (But I know that our trips to the library and fun "new" experiences are also teaching my girls a ton, so I'm not too worried.  The math, writing, and reading skills are still there, though not practiced as often as I like in an ideal world.) Both Maddie and Brooklyn did a good job today and I was surprised to discover they haven't forgotten a thing.  Brooklyn even said that she likes school!  That does my heart good.

 My Sweetheart sent me a used-but-new-to-me-iphone for Valentines Day!  So, I'm learning to use its camera and how to put fun filters on the pictures I take to give them a vintage hue...I much prefer the simple little iphone to my big  point and shoot camera and I LOVE the old photo look! Sean is the professional.  I'm the snapshot girl...and the throwback who likes new things that look old ;-)  

That's all for now!  I still have sledding pictures to post - maybe in the next day or two....


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