Memorial Day Trip
We had an excellent weekend. Most of our time was spent here at home, doing all manner of things around the house - peeling wallpaper off the bathroom walls (ugh.), finishing our garden fence, preparing the garden for planting, shopping for and planting some seedlings (yay!), planting a couple of crabapple trees (love 'em!), cleaning house, having friends over for a meal (awesome fun, we're so glad they're here), putting out the hummingbird feeder (they're already coming around), getting our new boots and hats (see post below) get the point. It was a really full, really great weekend. On Monday we went on a little drive up to Clear Creek Falls. It was a beautiful, slightly wet, cool day. I LOVE being in the mountains. We stopped for lots of pictures, of course, and had lunch in Creede. (Creede is one of my favorite places to visit. It's a tiny old silver mining town in the mountains. I remember going there as a kid, and for as long as I can remember I...