Quick Update

I happen to have a brief moment here....
  • I'm nearing the finish line. I've completely finished three of my five classes. I will finish a fourth today and then will take a few days to complete the assignments for the last class (which includes a 10-page paper that I feel pretty nervous about). So far my grades are pretty good. Not perfect by any means but considering my situation.....
  • I'm really beginning to feel the effects of no sleep. Thankfully, Paige continues to sleep through the night. I usually stay up until around 12:30 a.m. working on homework and maybe catching a quick shower before bed....and, every once in a while, it might happen that I find a friend in some other country where it isn't too late to chat. But only sometimes. C'mon, a girl needs a little break now and then!
  • Yeah, I'm on Facebook now. I resisted it for a long time...until I realized that it would allow me to connect with friends all over the globe. It's been pretty cool, though I do have to limit my time on there or I'll waste an entire day on it. Just like blogging. And watching documentaries online with Netflix. And reading books from the library. Good grief.
  • There is grass popping up all over the place in our backyard and every day there's just a little more, giving me hope that one day we will have a lawn back there. We've been working a TON (okay, Sean has) on our property and to see it come to fruition is just plain exciting. Someday, I'll give you a more detailed account of our little acre here. You'd never know so much could be done on just an acre!
  • I have lots of pictures to share and many, many ideas for posts. I might even change the look of this blog....when I get done with school. Maybe.
  • One thing. I generally don't work on schoolwork during the day. It's just too busy around here for that. I stay up late to get things done. Which leads me to wonder....am I really going to be less busy when this is all said and done? Will I actually have more time? Or will I just be a little less bleery-eyed during the day? It will be interesting to see what life looks like in another week....
Okay, this post is boring without a little picture....

Here's evidence that not only does Sean work, he's also a Superhero. And, boy, has he been my SUPERHERO the past several months, helping out around the house while I finish my degree. It's obvious that my girls are right - he really is the strongest man in the world and he really can do anything. I love that guy.


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