Memorial Day Trip

We had an excellent weekend. Most of our time was spent here at home, doing all manner of things around the house - peeling wallpaper off the bathroom walls (ugh.), finishing our garden fence, preparing the garden for planting, shopping for and planting some seedlings (yay!), planting a couple of crabapple trees (love 'em!), cleaning house, having friends over for a meal (awesome fun, we're so glad they're here), putting out the hummingbird feeder (they're already coming around), getting our new boots and hats (see post below) get the point. It was a really full, really great weekend.

On Monday we went on a little drive up to Clear Creek Falls. It was a beautiful, slightly wet, cool day. I LOVE being in the mountains. We stopped for lots of pictures, of course, and had lunch in Creede. (Creede is one of my favorite places to visit. It's a tiny old silver mining town in the mountains. I remember going there as a kid, and for as long as I can remember I've wanted to live in one of the tiny, ancient houses that beckon from former, simpler days.) It was a great day.

Here are the girls and I in front of the waterfall. Beautiful! And stinking cold, as you can tell by the looks on our faces. We're accustomed to slightly warmer waterfalls in the Ecuadorian jungles :-) Duke loved the mountains - it was actually his first chance to run around up there. I have a feeling he'll be absolutely crazy when we finally take him camping in a few more weeks! Okay, we'll all be a little on the giddy side....did I mention we love the mountains?

Sean and Maddie enjoying crisp mountain air! Those extensive, solid guard rails crack me up...uh, things were a little different at the waterfalls we visited in Ecuador!

It is still so unreal to us that this is our home, where we'll stay as long as the Lord allows - which we believe at this point is for a good, loooonnng time. We've moved so much that its hard to believe we aren't already packing for the next move! Every little thing we do to improve and make our mark on this house feels just a little...wrong. Like a waste of time or money. Because in the back of our minds we're thinking we won't be here that long....

But we are here! And, oh, it is wonderful. Not because we didn't love the adventurous life we lived in Latin America, but because we realize fully that God has placed us here. For the time being, this is where we belong. It helps that our time away has made us fall absolutely in LOVE with the San Luis Valley and Colorado. There is a distinct culture here - one that is an essential part of who we are but that we are also now able to see as outsiders. Somehow, that makes us see things differently than we ever did before. Did that make any sense? Probably not...but I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain that one!

Anyway, we see clearly now the mission God has for us as well as for each and every one of His followers - to make His Glory known, to preach His Gospel where we are, by going about the business of ordinary life. We're salt and light - to those who seem extremely lost, of course, but more often to those who live next door and seem to have it all together. Some are called to do that in new and exotic places...but the majority of us are called to do that in our own communities, neighborhoods, and families. I've had the opportunity to do both. Doing it at home, in your own culture, is both easier and harder. But more on that later...


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