
I had a really long post all written up. And then I re-read it and not even I could decipher what I was trying to say. So I started over. And because I'm still waiting on fried brain cells to regenerate after this last semester of college, I'll try to keep this short and sweet.
  • Life still feels incredibly busy. I just can't figure out how to have a nice, well-ordered day. Chalk it up to three needy, but beautiful little girls that are keeping me running around in circles all day long.
  • I can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that I have no more schoolwork to do. I still feel like I need to stay up late to work on something. Then I realize I have NOTHING to do (school-wise anyway) and I skip along merrily to bed at ten.
  • I love this weather!!! I love it. The change in seasons is such an unexpected treat after a few years of living in pretty much the same climate year round. This morning I breathed in deeply on my walk and just about wept at the beauty of God's creation. Birds were singing the most amazing songs. The damp earth and intoxicating scent of lilacs felt like a healing balm. The sound of cropdusters in the distance took me right back to my childhood. It was incredible.
  • I have so many little updates I want to make. And lots of pictures. Keep checking in!


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