F is also for...Fall!
Yeah, that fall too (which I miss terribly living in a place with no seasons besides rainy or more rainy) but actually the fall I mean has nothing to do with the changing colors of leaves or a new crispness in the air. The fall I'm talking about has something to do with a very lucky dog and a little hike we took yesterday. Sean blogged a little about our hike yesterday and hinted at something more that had happened. So, I guess it's my turn to tell you all about it. Imagine, if you will, an idyllic setting. Waterfall. Mist. Chirping birds. Green rain forest all around. Butterflies dancing in the sun's rays. And a poor mischievous German Shepherd falling, falling, falling, falling. I heard Sean shout at Maya to stay put. As I came around the corner, I saw Sean peering off a ledge into a great abyss telling our dog to stay. Apparently, Maya had misjudged a ledge and slipped right off a 10-foot cliff to the rushing river below! Luckily, she had landed on a little ...