A Birthday Wish

Happy Birthday, Mommy! Love you bunches!

Mom and I in Tiwaeno, Ecuador.
I am blessed with the best mom in the whole world. Other people say this about their own mothers - but, then, they probably haven't met my mother. She is a woman after God's own heart, loves her family with all that she is, and is compassionate to the needs of strangers. When I think of who I want to be like, she is the first person to come to mind. My mom has gone through things I could never imagine and yet her smile, easy laugh, and genuine faith have not only remained, but grown even stronger.

Growing up - and especially in high school - I know I didn't appreciate the love she had for me. I am ashamed of the way I treated her. But she always did love me best and she never gave up on me. I remember how as a teen I always seemed to hit an invisible brick wall whenever I had some rebellious, self-destructive plan. Try as I might, I couldn't seem to be able to get around a barricade that thwarted all of my attempts at making really stupid mistakes. Today I know why. My mother is a praying woman. She spent hours on her knees praying for me and God heard the prayers of a frustrated and desperate mother. It made me mad back then (I thought I was missing out on a lot of "fun") but today, I am forever grateful that I had a mom who refused to allow her daughter to be led astray by the prince of this world. Between God and my mother -the only two people more stubborn than me - I somehow managed to avoid a lot of the pits I was trying my hardest to fall into. Parents, praying for your children works.

Other than my husband, my Mom is my best friend. She's a great listener and I can say whatever I'm thinking without shocking her. On more than one occasion, I've called her in tears and by the end of the conversation she has me settled back down and seeing things from a better perspective. Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't stop burdening my mother with all my "junk" but something about just hearing her voice makes it all come out! My sister and I have never been very good at keeping things from Mom! Yet, even as I rant and rave, she responds in her quiet, reassuring, peaceful voice. Many times God uses her to remind me of a piece of Scripture or a truth that I've become blinded to. She isn't afraid to use her Bible to wop me upside the head once in a while. And I appreciate that!

Today is my mom's birthday. I'm sad that I can't be there to celebrate with her on her special day. I'm just savoring the sweet memories that are still lingering after her visit a few weeks ago. And I've already called her to sing to her, of course!

Yeah, I'm blessed. I have two incredible parents! Each of them, in their own way, have made me who I am but, more importantly, challenged me to be more. They have both been Jesus to me in so many ways. They aren't perfect. But they'll admit to that and they try to let God work in and through them. For that reason, they really are the best parents I could have asked for. I love you both so much!!


  1. Oh, Becca, Honey - Thank you for your sweet words. It was so good to hear your voice (and Brooklyn's) singing "Happy Birthday" to me! I too, am treasuring the memories of my recent visit there with you all. I couldn't be more proud of you. God has given me 2 amazing daughters and each of you 2 amazing daughters! How awesome is that?! I love you soooooooooo much! Mom


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