C is for Catie

Catie came into my life when I was in 6th grade. She was a tiny little thing with a big mop of shiny black hair. She was my niece and I was (and still am) a very proud auntie.

I'll never forget the night she was born, how Dad woke me up and we drove in the dark of night to the hospital. Dad and I waited and waited in a hidden waiting room - completely unaware that the little bundle of joy had already made her entrance into the world. Mom finally found us and we hurried to the room to meet the newest addition to the family. I couldn't wait to meet her!

She looked like a wrinkled monkey. And she was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen in the world. She had us all wrapped around her finger from that moment on. I took a Polaroid picture of my new niece with me to school the next day. I did nothing all day but gaze at that sweet little face with dark eyes staring back at me from the picture taped to my desk. The last school bell didn't ring soon enough, and the moment it finally did ring, I was out the door and on my way to see her again.

As Catie grew up she lost that wrinkly monkey look and turned into a little beauty. She was simply the most darling little thing you ever did see with her silky dark hair, big brown doe eyes, and easy smile. Everywhere we went, somebody would stop us and make over that beautiful baby. And she'd always flash them a winning smile - she'd hardly let anyone pass by without saying a sweet "hello" in that baby voice of hers.

Catie and I played for hours together - especially during her first few years when she still lived nearby. I treasure the memories of playing hide and seek together or going out to the barn to find and catch wild kittens. Catie mimicked my every move - which is a great ego booster for an already self-absorbed teenager. She called be "Gekka" and I really think she loved me better than anybody else...for a while anyway! She loved it when I would let her paint my toenails or when I would fix her hair how I wore mine. After I was married, she'd come hang out with me at my house. We'd rent movies, eat Hot Tamales, make cookies and drink pineapple pop.

She's all grown up now. Oh, she's still very young, but she isn't the same little twerp who found my purse and emptied it all over the house before finding my lipstick and using it to "draw." Now she's the "cool" one - spending hours in the bathroom getting her hair just right and spending the remaining hours of her day giggling with friends. I don't see her nearly often enough and, I have to confess, it is a huge shock to me to discover my little niece knows how to email or use a cell phone! I still picture her how she was at our wedding, all smiles in her fluffy white flower girl's dress, her legs wrapped tightly around my waist as we hugged good-bye.

Next week, Catie turns 14. She just started eighth grade. I hate that I'm missing these years of her life, that I can't seem to picture her as the very grown up person that she is. But I do get to email with her, hear her voice occasionally on the telephone. And I get to hear stories about who she is now and what kind of a lady she is becoming. I admire her.

Just last week I got news that Catie had won 1st place in the 100m race and 2nd place in the 200m at a track meet. That's awesome! But, even more amazing, was the fact that in the 200m race she was running in so much pain that tears were streaming down her face. She ran as hard as she could in a great deal of pain, not willing to quit or give up. If that doesn't say something about her character, I don't know what does. Good grief, I know I would have stopped running the moment I even thought I might be in pain. I'm proud of Catie - for the fact that she isn't easily swayed from achieving her goal; isn't bothered by a little adversity; isn't one to give up on anything for any reason. She proved a lot to herself that day - and to others, I believe - of what she is capable of. The sky is the limit and I can't wait to see what God is going to do with that beautiful, tenacious, sweet-spirited, and kind girl.

Catie, this is an early happy birthday to you because I won't be home next week to call you and sing to you. I am so proud of you and I love you, love you, love you!

Happy Birthday!!

Catie at Christmastime last year when she and the whole family came down to Shell.
(I'm waiting on this year's school picture...hint, hint.)
C is also for:

Carrie. My big sister. She's going to get her own post later on so I'll save most of what I want to say about her for later. But I will say how much I love and admire her - she's one of my heroes for many, many reasons.

Costa Rica. We spent a year there learning Spanish. Check out the archives from April '05 to April '06 on our Jungle Aviator blog to read more about our experiences there!

Calle. That is Spanish for "street" and most of the streets in Shell are totally torn up right now, meaning it's getting harder and harder to get anywhere from our house either driving or walking. So far our street isn't completely torn up, but the backhoe is making its way here. Ugh.

Collerbone. I broke mine when I was in preschool. I don't remember much about it, other than when it happened. A group of mischevious little boys pushed a room partition over on top of me. I was most disappointed because the "My Little Pony" dress I was wearing that day got ruined when the emergency room doctor had to cut it off.


  1. Thank you for sharing your memories of my "baby." She was extremely touched, as well. Can you see the splashes of our tears on your screen? I am so thankful for your presence in Catie's life. Even though she's "cool" now, she still LOVES (and misses) her Aunt Gekka.

  2. I nearly melted reading this post (I am usually a quite reader every now and then here) - such precious memories.
    What a beautiful girl your niece is.

    I have similar feelings about my goddaughter who will go to school next year and I still have the feeling she was born yesterday.
    But she turned right into the goddaughter I ever wanted and we both love eachother that much.

    I can't wait to see what a teenager she turns out to be
    (her Mom is not so eager about that :-))...


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