F is for First Haircut

(I just noticed that I haven't blogged in a week. Oh my. Sorry about that. Guess things have either been just too crazy or too boring to write much this week. With Brooklyn in school all week - the English preschool 3 days a week and Spanish school 1 to 2 days a week - you'd think I'd find more time....this motherhood stuff is just plain time consuming.)

Yes, F is for First haircut! Well, first official haircut. Brooklyn has cut her own hair a few times but last night I gave her a real cut. It was hard. I've always loved her long, blonde, curly locks and, because her hair is just like mine was when I was little, I knew that once I cut those ringlets off, they'd never return. But combing out her hair had become a major battle and as I struggled to comb out the rats nest in her hair while she screamed and cried and fought me last night, I just felt it was time. Her hair was to her waist - and so pretty as long as it hadn't been dragged through last night's spaghetti or worse, last night's dessert. Now...it's to her shoulders. I just about cried when I lopped off that ponytail. And I really began to feel sick when Brooklyn (who had at first thought it was such a great idea) saw her detached ponytail and said "Mommy, put it back!"

But it turned out real cute and she looks (much to my dismay) all grown up. Like a little girl. Brooklyn is very happy with her new haircut and she just prances around tossing her hair this way and that. *sigh* It's hard to let my baby grow up. But she really is going to do it whether I let her or not. She might as well look cute....
and sassy.


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