Weekend Re-Cap

  • We had a pretty good weekend, even though Maddie slept terribly on Saturday night. She didn't really go to sleep well until 9:30 on Sunday morning and I had to miss church again. I'm really missing going and am disappointed when I can't go. But on every Saturday night/Sunday morning something happens that means I have to stay home. Sean would stay home and let me go once in a while if he could but he helps out with worship and has to be there. I know this is just a "stage in life" but I'm getting pretty frustrated with it.
  • We went on a drive on Saturday and ate at one of our favorite places, "Miremelindo." The food was great and it's always enjoyable to get out for a while (especially after my week shut in the house most of last week)!
  • I got to talk to my Grandma and Uncle Steve along with my Mom, Dad, sister, and baby niece today. It was so great! We use Skype and it is completely free. We can use our small video cameras and see each other while we talk- grainy and delayed as it may be. It is always a little awkward trying to talk, knowing you are being watched as well as just being busy watching what is happening on the other end, but it is a treat to see loved ones and talk to them this way - FOR FREE! This kind of technology is just awesome. It isn't the same as being there but it is better than nothing. Way better than nothing. I am forever a fan of Skype and VoIp technology (do not ask for a definition of that, all I know is it works somehow and I like it).

Some pictures:
Here is a picture of Maddie and I outside the restaurant on Saturday. Maddie is eating a piece of fried yuca or manioc root. She loved it! It was the perfect food for her because she could hold on to it well but it didn't fall apart like a fried potato would as she chewed on it.

A close up of Maddie. She was smiling at Daddy here.The restaurant we ate at is also a hotel. It isn't very big but they have a very pretty little garden area outside. The last time we were there (a couple of months ago), this arbor had just been built and there weren't any plants. Now, it is full and green. The plant is a granadilla vine. I'm not sure if there is an English word for the granadilla fruit but it is one of my favorite snacks here. I really can't describe what it is like and a lot of people don't like it - it does take some getting used to.


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