Friends of Ours....

Danny and Leslie Hulls are friends of ours who work with MAF in Lesotho, Africa. We were all together for orientation at MAF headquarters for a few months (before heading out of the States to our respective fields) and had a lot of fun together. The Hulls' little girl, Evi, and Brooklyn hit it off (they are just a few months apart) and spent hours playing together on the MAF playground while their parents laughed and joked together. We really can't wait to see them again, someday - we had such a good time together. (The link to their blog is on the sidebar of this blog.)

The Hulls have been through a lot since that day we said goodbye to Leslie and Evi and Danny drove us to the airport to catch our flight to Costa Rica. I'll let you read the following article about it, rather than go into the details myself but I really wanted to share these links. The article is so good and, in their honesty, our friends have reflected the Jesus that has carried them through a very painful time...

Article in Dallas Morning News

Photo Slideshow

These are very dear, precious people to us. We love you Danny, Leslie, Evi, and Caleb!


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