
Showing posts from April, 2007

A Mommy Moment

Being a Mommy is tough... But I honestly wouldn't trade my life right now for anything in the world. I mean, just look at that face... Maddie was just a little sick this weekend. Nothing breaks my heart so much as a sick baby. After she had thrown up the upteenth time, I just rocked her until she fell asleep in my arms. As I sat there holding that precious little bundle in my arms - though she didn't smell very fresh at the moment - I was overcome once again with nothing but pure love for this baby. I sat there with my numb arm, afraid to move and disrupt her respite from an achy tummy, and just stared at that tiny, peaceful face for a long time. I find myself in awe that I can love both of my children so equally and so strongly. But - and I think other moms are the only ones who can get this - I am often a little frightened at the intensity of my feelings for these little people. Being a Mom has taught me so many things - selflessness, forgiveness, patience, loooong- su...

One Year Ago Today....

It is hard to imagine that one year ago today we finally arrived in Ecuador after our year of language school in Costa Rica. I am in awe of the fact that a year has already gone by. Needless to say, this year was quite a bit faster than our year in language school! I praise God for what this past year has brought us - a new baby, for example, in addition to a completely new life. It has been an incredible year. We are also halfway done with our first term as missionaries. In a year and a half our 6-month furlough will will be interesting to see what the next year or two bring!


It feels so good to have our driving licenses. Only took a year. Wow. As we sat around watching the ridiculous chaos at the Ecuadorian equivalent of a DMV, we were struck with how fabulous American bureaucracy is by comparison. Since we got to sit around most of the day, I had the opportunity to do some serious people watching. There were a lot of things I saw that really taught me more about Ecuadorian culture. Some things that you and I would consider rude are not at all rude to them...and vice versa. For example, the concept of a line is very loosely adhered to. Basically, he or she who shoves his or her documents into the face of the official the fastest is the next in line. Can you imagine the uproar if that happened in one of our government offices?! On the flip side, any time someone entered or left the building, they made the rounds to shake the hands of those nearby and greet them or tell them good-bye -- even if they are complete strangers. I doubt you've ever ...

Fun Trip, Dad

Brooklyn repeated the phrase "fun trip, Dad" several times during our little vacation. Every time she said it, Daddy and Mommy would both hardily agree. It was a very fun time. What did we enjoy the most? Running in wide open spaces, listening to silence, not having to cook or clean, submerging in hot water, feeling the crisp mountain air, taking spontaneous naps, wearing long pants and sweatshirts, enjoying a stiff breeze blowing through our hair, getting use out of our "real" shoes, listening to birds chirp, throwing rocks into a high mountain lake, hearing the rumble of a heater, fixing hair that isn't frizzy from humidity (or not fixing my hair at all)..... Here we are at the lake. Brooklyn had a blast throwing rocks into the water. Daddy showed Brooklyn how to skip rocks on the water but she really just preferred throwing them, listening for the "plunk" sound as the rocks hit the water and watching the water splash and ripple. We miss wide open...

Home again, Home again....

Jiggety-jog.... We had a great vacation! We're home safe and feeling refreshed. As soon as I have more time, I'll write more details and post some of our favorite pictures from the trip. But for now...I'm going to go sleep on my bed - the hotel was great but the bed was, well, in a word.... firm .

Birthday Boy

Okay, I have to do this. It is somewhat predictable and a little cheesy so bear with me here.... Happy Birthday to the most wonderful husband a girl could ever ask for. Sean, on April 22, you turn another year older. You still can't grow a beard...but you are getting scratchier every year! I love you just the way you are...I don't really go for the Robin Williams chimpanzee look anyway. I happen to be one of the lucky ones that is married to my very best friend. Really. Sharing the past (almost) seven years with Sean has been an adventure and one that I would never trade for anything in the world. I have had the joy of watching Sean grow into a responsible, trustworthy, and solid man of God. He is my mentor in so many ways and the one that I look to for wisdom and advice in both the big and small things. He's...incredible. And I'm so glad he's all mine! I respect my husband just as much as I love him. He just has this...natural common sense factor that ...


Aaaaahhhhh...... We are about to embark on our first vacation in Ecuador - our first real, scheduled, planned, and restful time away with just our little family since about a year and a half ago. While I can't take a break from being Mom, I do get to take a break from cooking, dishes, housecleaning, and laundry! This has been "one of those weeks." I'm just exhausted from life. And grumpy. Time for a vacation! We're heading up to the mountains to a hot springs resort for a couple of days (not exactly long enough, in my book, but I'll take what I can get). I know it will be refreshing for Sean and I. Brooklyn always loves to go somewhere new. Madison....well, I'm not sure how she'll do. She's a bit more sensitive and picky about things than the rest of us are - but she's also older now and less fussy. I think she'll surprise us. Please pray for us - we'll be on the road quite a bit which is very fun for us (we love road trips)...

God Gives Us Everything

Yesterday, Brooklyn and I were reading a book that talked about all the wonderful things God gives us. I told Brooklyn I could think of 3 things God gave me that I'm thankful for - her Daddy, Madison, and Brooklyn. She sort of smiled and then I asked, "What are three things God gave you that you are thankful for?" Brooklyn: "My purple backpack." Me: "Oh, that's nice....anything else?" Brooklyn: "My two Barbies." Me: "And?" Brooklyn: "Treats."

Give it up already!

Okay. I think it's time to be honest with myself. Before Brooklyn was born, I managed, by some miracle, to make a darling quilt for her. So, I figured, hey- I did it once, I can do it again for my new baby. Every good mother knows that you can't play favorites - Maddie needs a quilt made by her mother just for her like Brooklyn has. There are two things wrong with that line of thinking. Number one, I can't sew and, let's be honest, I never could. But I lucked out once and that made me over-confident and foolish enough to believe I had some skill. Number two, I can't and don't have to do the exact same special things for my kids. Just because one has something different than the other doesn't mean I'm playing favorites. Actually, it isn't quite as special if somebody else has one too, is it? Besides, at this point, that quilt is being made with anything but love. I've never been so frustrated in all my life. I actually am mostly finish...

One Thousand (and nine) Hits

Cool! Thanks for reading. I am often mystified that anybody other than my mother would find my random daily jabber the least bit interesting. I started this blog five weeks ago -that's an average of a little over 200 hits a week . Not bad. Anyhoo....I'm trying to keep people updated on our life down here. Sometimes there isn't much to say and I have to sort the really boring stuff out from the kinda boring stuff. I try. Coming up in future blogs... What I'm learning in my Bible Study on Daniel - I think you'll get something out of it too Dinner with the Cannons - what's for dinner, who's eating it, and what we're talking about Madison Moments - she's 6 months old and she's taking the world by storm! Brooklyn Bewilderments - life as seen through the eyes of a 3 year old Favorite Topics (other than my children and husband) - random blogs about anything Continued daily tidbits about our life...happenings at home, ministry, family... Phot...

Just like that - it's over...

This was a nice, relaxing but way too short weekend. We didn't do much around here and it was wonderful! Tomorrow will be a big flying day for Sean and I'm going to be pretty busy myself. This week we will host a work group for a meal, have Bible study here at my house, have a work team here at the house welding together some roofing for our back patio, try to keep the work team energized with snacks, have an MAF base meeting, and try to meet with the Ecuadorian pilots and mechanics to try to get them started on support raising. That is what is on the calendar - I know a myraid of other things will come up as well. I used to have nothing to do.... The kittens aren't doing so well. There were five originally. Now we're down to 2. Luckily, Brooklyn either doesn't get it or doesn't care. I suppose Sean's method of dealing with it does make it seem rather ordinary and unemotional - he just tosses the little dead ones into the jungle grass next door. ...

And so the weekend begins...

Sean, Brooklyn, Madison, and I had a great dinner date tonight. Now that Maddie can sit up in a high chair, eating out is fun again. She sits up and eats her applesauce while we enjoy a meal that I didn't have to cook! Sean and I have always preferred to take our kids with us when we go out rather than get a babysitter. Part of it is that it isn't so easy to come by good babysitters here, part of it is that Madison is still not quite ready to be away from me for too long but most of it is the simple fact that we really enjoy the time with our kids. Don't get me wrong, dates are awesome - we used to have them once a week when we had two sets of grandparents nearby who were willing to babysit - but we can have just as much fun eating out with our children. Tonight was a perfect example. Brooklyn was playing peek-a-boo with Maddie while we waited for our chocolate pancake - our favorite treat when we go to El Jardin . Maddie giggled and squealed at her sister's an...

My Photographer

If you haven't already guessed it by looking at his blog, my husband is really into photography. He's gotten really good over the years. Aside from flying, photography is Sean's favorite pastime. He is seldom very far from his camera and every day he gets several really cool pictures that I love. I think many of his photographs are good enough to be published and some day I'd love to see him publish a book or two of his best photos. Today something really exciting happened for Sean...he was published! One of his photos of a sunset in the San Luis Valley was placed in an e-zine (web magazine). He was so giddy this morning when he found out! I can't help but be a little proud - but then, I always knew he was talented. I love that somebody (who doesn't know him at all) agrees. Click here to check it out yourself (his is the one titled "San Juan Fingers" by jungleaviator). Great job, Sean!

Busy, busy, busy

I spent all day yesterday doing what my maid can get done in an hour. I so enjoyed it. I can't explain the sense of satisfaction I get when I've spent some good hours mopping, sweeping, scrubbing, folding, ironing, baking, organizing, vacuuming, and dusting! I'm crazy, I'm the first to admit it. Honestly, since leaving the States, I haven't had much opportunity to feel that particular sense of accomplishment because we've always been encouraged (or told) to have house help. I don't begrudge my maid the income she gets from cleaning my house but I do miss doing that work myself sometimes. In the words of my father, whooda thunk it? I never quite imagined that one of my biggest struggles of living in the mission field would be having a maid but I've been all over the board on this one and I'm still not quite sure how I feel about the whole thing. I haven't heard for sure but I'm guessing that my maid, Eulalia, is still in quite a bit o...

Nothing but Sweetness

Madison is just cuter and sweeter every day! She has started this thing where she lays her head down on my shoulder and just lets me hold her and cuddle for a few minutes. She isn't tired or going to sleep - she likes to be laid down in her bed with her blankie to go to sleep - she just wants to cuddle. Wow. Then suddenly her little head will pop back up and she's ready to play again. I'm reduced to a puddle of melted Mommy when she's done!

Easter Fun

Yesterday was a weird day for me...I kind of struggled with the fact we did not celebrate with family this year. Actually, we haven't had Easter with family for several Easters now - in 2005 we were in California at MAF headquarters and celebrated with other eager pre-field MAF'ers and ate out at The Macaroni Grill, in 2006 we were in Costa Rica and went to lunch at Denny's on the other side of the city with friends for an "American" meal, this year we were here and had a brunch with our coworkers. It's actually harder for me to realize just how long we've been gone than it is to celebrate a holiday for the first time without family. It's just depressing not to be able to remember my last Easter meal at my folks'. Update: I do remember now. The last Easter we had at my parent's house was when we had wild turkey rather than plain 'ole Butterball. I can still remember watching Mom and Dad's neighbor-guest try very graciously to cut th...

Family Fun..or very close to it!

Yesterday, Sean had the day off so we loaded up the Bronco and headed up the hill to do some hiking. There is this neat trail that travels along a river in the mountains. There are 7 waterfalls to take a look at along the way. Back in 2000, when Sean and I were here visiting missionaries we knew, we hiked that little trail and had a great time. That was before we were married, before we knew we'd be missionaries, before Sean even had his private pilot's license. It was a fun and memorable hike for two young adventurers back then....we figured it would be fun to take our whole family there now - almost 7 years later to the day! With Madison in a backpack on Sean's back, Brooklyn holding my hand, and our dog Maya running between us, we started to make our way up the trail. I wasn't too thrilled when I saw what passed for a bridge to cross the river the first time. Back in 2000, we just waded through the cold water. I would have preferred that to this wobbly "...

Sitting up

For the Grandparents....

Not-so-super Mom

It's been "one of those weeks" for me. While last week was so organized and scheduled and near-perfect, this week has been the complete opposite. I have so much to do that I don't even know where to start. There are things waiting for me to do that would take all of 30 seconds to complete but I'm so frazzled and confused that I don't know where to start. I just can't sit still for 30 seconds and I get nothing done because I feel so overwhelmed. Just when I thought I had things figured out....Funny how every time I really start to think I've got this domestic engineer thing figured out, a week like this one comes along and makes me realize how very wrong I am. you know why I haven't blogged in a while. Even now all I'm thinking about is that huge list of things to be done that I'm foolishly believing will disappear without my having to do anything. I've been a tad grumpy with my family. Poor them. But then, I find it ha...

Ewwww...clean that would you!

Today I spoke with my maid's husband. He told me that she is still having severe back pain as well as dizziness, probably caused by the pain medication she is taking. She won't be coming to work for a while. Last week when she came to tell me she didn't think she could work on her usual day, I saw that she was in a lot of pain. She could barely stand. I ended up driving her around town to run some quick errands and then took her to the Centro de Salud, a government-run medical clinic for Ecuadoreans. I had offered to drive her home that day as well (she lives quite far away on a little farm she and her husband have) but I never heard any more from her. I'm sure she found another ride later that day with her husband, who also comes in to work in Shell every day. I love our maid. She is the hardest worker I know. I've seen her continue to work when she was obviously very sick. I've seen her lift and carry things I'd never even attempt to pick up....