Easter Fun
Yesterday was a weird day for me...I kind of struggled with the fact we did not celebrate with family this year. Actually, we haven't had Easter with family for several Easters now - in 2005 we were in California at MAF headquarters and celebrated with other eager pre-field MAF'ers and ate out at The Macaroni Grill, in 2006 we were in Costa Rica and went to lunch at Denny's on the other side of the city with friends for an "American" meal, this year we were here and had a brunch with our coworkers. It's actually harder for me to realize just how long we've been gone than it is to celebrate a holiday for the first time without family. It's just depressing not to be able to remember my last Easter meal at my folks'.
Update: I do remember now. The last Easter we had at my parent's house was when we had wild turkey rather than plain 'ole Butterball. I can still remember watching Mom and Dad's neighbor-guest try very graciously to cut the rubber-like meat...but it was kind of hard to act nonchalant once the meat flew off of his plate! If you're looking for a new Easter tradition, wild turkey is NOT the answer!
I was bemoaning the fact that Brooklyn and Madison didn't have cute little Easter baskets waiting for them this Easter morning but Sean quickly reminded me that that is not what Easter is about. Besides, we can make the most of what we do have and they will never know the difference - and they'll have their own special memories. I'm so silly and shallow sometimes. Leave it to my husband to put me back in my place!
We went to church and as I stood in the back of the small, very simple sanctuary I realized all over again how awesome it is to live here. I wouldn't change our calling for anything. After church we hurried over to the MAF base where Sean fixed a gazillion pancakes and waffles for the Brunch. Later the kids all hunted for plastic eggs in the rain.
It was a good Easter. And with all my silly pettiness and foolishness - and sin- staring me in the face, I am reminded all over again why I need this day. Well, I don't need the day, I need what it means - that Somebody took all that upon Himself so that I didn't have to pay a debt I'd never be able to pay...and even more importantly, He rose again and has conquered that sin and death. He is alive! And so am I.
What would Easter be without a few shots of little girls in their Easter dresses?

Update: I do remember now. The last Easter we had at my parent's house was when we had wild turkey rather than plain 'ole Butterball. I can still remember watching Mom and Dad's neighbor-guest try very graciously to cut the rubber-like meat...but it was kind of hard to act nonchalant once the meat flew off of his plate! If you're looking for a new Easter tradition, wild turkey is NOT the answer!
I was bemoaning the fact that Brooklyn and Madison didn't have cute little Easter baskets waiting for them this Easter morning but Sean quickly reminded me that that is not what Easter is about. Besides, we can make the most of what we do have and they will never know the difference - and they'll have their own special memories. I'm so silly and shallow sometimes. Leave it to my husband to put me back in my place!
We went to church and as I stood in the back of the small, very simple sanctuary I realized all over again how awesome it is to live here. I wouldn't change our calling for anything. After church we hurried over to the MAF base where Sean fixed a gazillion pancakes and waffles for the Brunch. Later the kids all hunted for plastic eggs in the rain.
It was a good Easter. And with all my silly pettiness and foolishness - and sin- staring me in the face, I am reminded all over again why I need this day. Well, I don't need the day, I need what it means - that Somebody took all that upon Himself so that I didn't have to pay a debt I'd never be able to pay...and even more importantly, He rose again and has conquered that sin and death. He is alive! And so am I.
What would Easter be without a few shots of little girls in their Easter dresses?

Thank you soooooo much for the pictures. Honey, I needed reminding too of what Easter is really about. God continues to teach us how to live with grace through separation in this life - knowing we will all be together FOREVER one day. So nice of you to remember the rubber turkey!! Love you all so much!