Busy, busy, busy

  • I spent all day yesterday doing what my maid can get done in an hour. I so enjoyed it. I can't explain the sense of satisfaction I get when I've spent some good hours mopping, sweeping, scrubbing, folding, ironing, baking, organizing, vacuuming, and dusting! I'm crazy, I'm the first to admit it. Honestly, since leaving the States, I haven't had much opportunity to feel that particular sense of accomplishment because we've always been encouraged (or told) to have house help. I don't begrudge my maid the income she gets from cleaning my house but I do miss doing that work myself sometimes. In the words of my father, whooda thunk it? I never quite imagined that one of my biggest struggles of living in the mission field would be having a maid but I've been all over the board on this one and I'm still not quite sure how I feel about the whole thing.

  • I haven't heard for sure but I'm guessing that my maid, Eulalia, is still in quite a bit of pain. It takes a lot to keep her away from work. I don't really have a way to get a hold of her but I'd sure love her to know that I'm praying for her. Wouldn't it be fun to visit her and fix her a cup of coffee and some chocolate and then paint her toenails?! I can be pretty sure she's never had that done for her before! Keep praying for her please!

  • A work team is coming next week and will be helping us roof the back patio of our house. The area between our back door and the bodega (laundry and storage building) is usually very wet and slippery from mold and slime growing on the concrete. It will be very nice to have that covered and protected from the rain.

  • We talked with our landlady yesterday. She was okay with the changes we want to make to the house (all improvements she wouldn't be able to afford herself) but she said some things that had us wondering just how long we'll get to stay in this house. Nothing earth-shattering and I'm probably being overly dramatic but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we had to move again before our furlough in a year or so. That is just part of the life here... UNCERTAINTY.

  • This morning we began the Beth Moore study on Daniel. Oh, man, is it awesome! Maybe someday I'll get around to blogging a bit of what I'm learning. I'm loving being back in a Bible Study after about a month and a half off. We meet here at my house so that Madison can have her morning nap in her bed during our Bible Study. There are about 12 of us in this group. We've got lots of really neat ladies that I'm looking forward to getting to know better and share with! Brooklyn went over to a friend's house about 2 blocks away and played with some other kids with moms participating in the study. What a great morning - I'm already looking forward to next week.


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