One Thousand (and nine) Hits

Cool! Thanks for reading. I am often mystified that anybody other than my mother would find my random daily jabber the least bit interesting. I started this blog five weeks ago -that's an average of a little over 200 hits a week . Not bad. Anyhoo....I'm trying to keep people updated on our life down here. Sometimes there isn't much to say and I have to sort the really boring stuff out from the kinda boring stuff. I try.

Coming up in future blogs...
  • What I'm learning in my Bible Study on Daniel - I think you'll get something out of it too
  • Dinner with the Cannons - what's for dinner, who's eating it, and what we're talking about
  • Madison Moments - she's 6 months old and she's taking the world by storm!
  • Brooklyn Bewilderments - life as seen through the eyes of a 3 year old
  • Favorite Topics (other than my children and husband) - random blogs about anything
  • Continued daily tidbits about our life...happenings at home, ministry, family...
  • Photos, so you'll keep checking in!


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