Birthday Boy
Okay, I have to do this. It is somewhat predictable and a little cheesy so bear with me here....
Happy Birthday to the most wonderful husband a girl could ever ask for. Sean, on April 22, you turn another year older. You still can't grow a beard...but you are getting scratchier every year! I love you just the way you are...I don't really go for the Robin Williams chimpanzee look anyway.
I respect my husband just as much as I love him. He just has this...natural common sense factor that I often lack. He isn't hasty to make decisions. He isn't worried about what others might think. He is rational - even when barely hanging on the edge of a roof! He sets limits for himself and keeps them because he knows his limitations and he knows himself. He is disciplined - you should see his office - and maintains order. Those all just happen to be areas where I might need a little work myself...just a tiny bit. That's why we're a perfect match.
Recently, somebody on the MAF team here in Ecuador mentioned that Sean "pretty much runs the show here." This co-worker in Christ went on to describe how Sean has done more and taken on more responsibility in his first year in Ecuador than most MAF pilots do in their first term. Part of that may be the shortage of help and old-fashioned necessity. But I think it's more than that. Sean has taken a lot of responsibility upon himself simply because he wants to see something done that needs doing. He takes his "job" seriously and he genuinely wants to help people. I have never known Sean to sit back and wait for things to happen. He sees a need, he takes initiative. He is a natural leader - willing to follow but ready to be the one to take the first step if necessary. I think some would call that a "go-getter." That describes my husband well.
That and "people person." The guy is always making new friends, cracking jokes, making small talk. He'll stop and ask you about your family, try to make you smile. I've seen countless people since being here in Ecuador just light up and walk a little taller after my husband took the time to talk to them. I know I do!
I wish you could see my husband as he fathers his two little girls. He is firm, yet kind. Loving, yet not over-indulgent. Brooklyn and Madison both just light up when Daddy comes home. They adore him - he plays with and tickles them, cuddles and reads to them. He is determined to be a good father, to take his job as Daddy and priest of this household seriously, to do what is right by those little ladies. I am eternally grateful for a husband who has every desire to be involved in the lives of his children.

I just can't say enough about the man God chose for me. He takes his roles in life seriously - husband, father, pilot, missionary, Christian. I've seen Sean change, grow and mature over the past 12 years or so that I have known him. What's more, the man is downright funny - and has the kindness to laugh at my jokes too. To be perfectly honest, knowing him as I do now, I find him infinitely more attractive than I did when my heart skipped its first beat. I never imagined it would be possible to love a person more each day. And I never imagined how a wife could be so PROUD of her man.
Because it's getting late, I'll stop. I can think of a gazillion other things I'd love to say about my husband but I don't want you to think he's too good for me!! Truly, he isn't as perfect as I make him sound - but he is perfect for me and I praise God every day that he's my partner in life.
I love you, Sean. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to the most wonderful husband a girl could ever ask for. Sean, on April 22, you turn another year older. You still can't grow a beard...but you are getting scratchier every year! I love you just the way you are...I don't really go for the Robin Williams chimpanzee look anyway.
I happen to be one of the lucky ones that is married to my very best friend. Really. Sharing the past (almost) seven years with Sean has been an adventure and one that I would never trade for anything in the world. I have had the joy of watching Sean grow into a responsible, trustworthy, and solid man of God. He is my mentor in so many ways and the one that I look to for wisdom and advice in both the big and small things. He's...incredible. And I'm so glad he's all mine!
I respect my husband just as much as I love him. He just has this...natural common sense factor that I often lack. He isn't hasty to make decisions. He isn't worried about what others might think. He is rational - even when barely hanging on the edge of a roof! He sets limits for himself and keeps them because he knows his limitations and he knows himself. He is disciplined - you should see his office - and maintains order. Those all just happen to be areas where I might need a little work myself...just a tiny bit. That's why we're a perfect match.
Recently, somebody on the MAF team here in Ecuador mentioned that Sean "pretty much runs the show here." This co-worker in Christ went on to describe how Sean has done more and taken on more responsibility in his first year in Ecuador than most MAF pilots do in their first term. Part of that may be the shortage of help and old-fashioned necessity. But I think it's more than that. Sean has taken a lot of responsibility upon himself simply because he wants to see something done that needs doing. He takes his "job" seriously and he genuinely wants to help people. I have never known Sean to sit back and wait for things to happen. He sees a need, he takes initiative. He is a natural leader - willing to follow but ready to be the one to take the first step if necessary. I think some would call that a "go-getter." That describes my husband well.
That and "people person." The guy is always making new friends, cracking jokes, making small talk. He'll stop and ask you about your family, try to make you smile. I've seen countless people since being here in Ecuador just light up and walk a little taller after my husband took the time to talk to them. I know I do!
I wish you could see my husband as he fathers his two little girls. He is firm, yet kind. Loving, yet not over-indulgent. Brooklyn and Madison both just light up when Daddy comes home. They adore him - he plays with and tickles them, cuddles and reads to them. He is determined to be a good father, to take his job as Daddy and priest of this household seriously, to do what is right by those little ladies. I am eternally grateful for a husband who has every desire to be involved in the lives of his children.

I just can't say enough about the man God chose for me. He takes his roles in life seriously - husband, father, pilot, missionary, Christian. I've seen Sean change, grow and mature over the past 12 years or so that I have known him. What's more, the man is downright funny - and has the kindness to laugh at my jokes too. To be perfectly honest, knowing him as I do now, I find him infinitely more attractive than I did when my heart skipped its first beat. I never imagined it would be possible to love a person more each day. And I never imagined how a wife could be so PROUD of her man.
Because it's getting late, I'll stop. I can think of a gazillion other things I'd love to say about my husband but I don't want you to think he's too good for me!! Truly, he isn't as perfect as I make him sound - but he is perfect for me and I praise God every day that he's my partner in life.
I love you, Sean. Happy Birthday.

Hadn't read this yet, Becca, when we called to wish Sean a Happy Birthday. I know you meant every word of praise for the husband God gave to you. We think he's great too! Have a great mini-vacation. You both deserve it! Love you sooooooo much!