
Aaaaahhhhh...... We are about to embark on our first vacation in Ecuador - our first real, scheduled, planned, and restful time away with just our little family since about a year and a half ago. While I can't take a break from being Mom, I do get to take a break from cooking, dishes, housecleaning, and laundry! This has been "one of those weeks." I'm just exhausted from life. And grumpy.

Time for a vacation! We're heading up to the mountains to a hot springs resort for a couple of days (not exactly long enough, in my book, but I'll take what I can get). I know it will be refreshing for Sean and I. Brooklyn always loves to go somewhere new. Madison....well, I'm not sure how she'll do. She's a bit more sensitive and picky about things than the rest of us are - but she's also older now and less fussy. I think she'll surprise us.

Please pray for us - we'll be on the road quite a bit which is very fun for us (we love road trips) but driving in this country is never as safe as we'd like it to be. Pray our car works great during the whole trip, that our time away is refreshing, that we have some quality family time and that we truly get a chance to relax.

We're starting the vacation off right tonight - Mexican food in Puyo and then a movie here at home!


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