An International Thanksgiving!

Our Thanksgiving this year was a bit on the un-traditional side but it was so fun! We had planned to get together with our fellow Americans for Thanksgiving on Saturday so the pilots would be less exhausted...our MAF teammates were excited to celebrate with us in our home but the other American here, married to an Indonesian, wasn't in town. Then we thought we'd invite our British friend and her Indonesian husband. They were really excited to eat some American Pumpkin Pie, so were quick to say "yes!" And then we met a Dutch family that just arrived and thought it would be fun to include them. And then they asked if we'd mind if they brought their Swiss friends, who also happen to be in town! Pretty soon, our "American Holiday" became an International affair. I wouldn't have had it any other way! We had such a great time sharing our American traditions with our new European friends. What a special time full of laughter, food, mingling langu...