I love Wednesdays!

  • Is it really "Date Night" again?  Man, I'm loving our new routine. 
  • On Wednesdays we have our teammates' little girl over to play in the morning - she's the same age as Paige.  I'm grateful that they are getting along well at the moment...ummm, that doesn't always happen!  We made some homemade playdough - four little girls are busily making all sorts of yummy treats out of their lumps of dough. Hooray for a creative outlet that keeps the peace.  
  • We also go eat lunch in town with a group of Western ladies on Wednesdays.  It's fun to get out of the house and fellowship with some other people who understand what it means to be a foreigner living in a very different world.
  • Are you ready for Thanksgiving?!  We're hosting a Thanksgiving meal at our house on Saturday for our family, the one other American family, and a host of Europeans and Indonesians. It's sure to be a fun time! We didn't get a turkey this year (it's a good $80 or more to get one delivered from the capital city) so I'm going to roast some chickens. I love cooking for big holidays - it just feels so homey and cozy.  And I love the smells of roasting poultry, pumpkin pie, simmering gravy, apples and cinnamon!  
  • I'm grateful to have a group of friends to celebrate this holiday with because I sure do miss my family.  It helps, though, knowing we'll see my parents for Christmas and then get to go back to America for several weeks to see the rest of our loved ones!  
  • Well, it takes me a good half hour to get these girls loaded into the car to go have lunch, so I'd better sign off! Sending love to you all as you gather to celebrate Thanksgiving!


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