On the ground in Nampa, Idaho
I'm sitting here in our MAF apartment bathroom, giving my urchin babies a much-needed bath. And washing (yes, already) a load of clothes. Traveling with youngun's - not for the faint of heart. We were planning on flying up to Nampa in a borrowed Bonanza but the weather is terrible. So at around noon yesterday, Sean made the decision to drive instead. That was a good decision! We've seen gale-force winds (upwards of 50 miles an hour), rain, sleet, snow...and the tiniest bit of sunshine. In fact, according to weather reports we wouldn't have been able to get out of Alamosa if we'd tried to fly. I'm just glad I'm not up there in a small airplane - we got nauseous enough just driving through that wind. Whew! So, yesterday we threw things into high gear and were on the road by 2 p.m. We drove to Price, Utah and spent the night in an over-priced Best Western hotel room. This morning we were up and on the road again by 8 o'clock. We stopped once for l...