Easter in Moab Day 2

So, we woke up Saturday ready to go and explore some more! I was a bit sore...I slept in the back of our Suburban with Paige while Sean and the older girls slept in the tent. My first night in the Suburban wasn't very comfortable and Paige kept waking up - luckily by our last night in Moab we were all sleeping comfortably (we must have been tired enough). Sean and the girls did great in the tent.

We had a little time around the campfire eating breakfast burritos Sean had made ahead and wrapped in foil. Yummy!

At this point, I'm pretty sure Paige was questioning whether her parents really loved her or not. Poor thing. Nothing was as she liked it. That purple blankie saved our skin on many occasions!
Colorado River Campsite

Paige was also still very cuddly in the morning! By the time we got ourselves organized enough to head out, she was ready for her morning nap.
Colorado River Campsite

We made a quick run into the town of Moab for some more hot dog buns, marshmallows, and the all-important coffee. It was crazy busy Saturday morning - we chose a busy weekend in Moab, they were having a Jeep Safari. This is not the kind of place that you come to get away from people. It's beautiful and worth the visit...just not backwoods peaceful like our mountains in our area of Colorado!

After our time in town we headed out for some archeological exploring....

First, the petroglyphs! These were right along the side of the road, but up pretty high, so it took us a moment to find them. There were a ton of them - so cool! The sign said that some of those pictures date as far back as 600 A.D. Others are a little newer but still at least 200 years old. Can you imagine?! I was fascinated by the idea that whoever was carving those pictures so many years ago could not have imagined that one day there would be a busy road where the hill they were standing on once was and cars rushing by in both directions....and crazy white people screeching to a stop on the side of the road to take digital photographs of their doodling!

Moab, UT.

Next came dinosaur tracks. Our girls were enthralled with the idea that a dinosaur actually walked on this slab of rock that was at one time mud on a river bed.

Madison putting her hand in the print. There were several prints on this rock in many different sizes but two were painted so they could be easily spotted.
Moab, UT.

Moab, UT.

We went back into town for lunch at Eddie McStiffs. Our poor children were already tired and dirty, but a shot of chocolate milk and some chicken strips was all they needed for our next venture....

Next, we hiked! The girls did awesome and hiked 1.5 miles up, up, up to Delicate Arch. We were so proud of them! Altogether they hiked three miles that day with minimal complaining. On our way back down from the arch, Brooklyn informed me that she wanted to come back here for her birthday sometime! I'm not sure when that can happen, but you betcha!

Arches Nat'l Park

Arches Nat'l Park

Arches Nat'l Park

Arches Nat'l Park

Paige was just plain worn out by the end of it all...
Arches Nat'l Park

We headed back to camp for more hot dogs and s'mores :-) We were all pretty tired and sleep came easy. Suddenly the hard ground (or floor of the Suburban) didn't seem so hard!


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