On the ground in Nampa, Idaho

I'm sitting here in our MAF apartment bathroom, giving my urchin babies a much-needed bath.

And washing (yes, already) a load of clothes.

Traveling with youngun's - not for the faint of heart.

We were planning on flying up to Nampa in a borrowed Bonanza but the weather is terrible. So at around noon yesterday, Sean made the decision to drive instead. That was a good decision! We've seen gale-force winds (upwards of 50 miles an hour), rain, sleet, snow...and the tiniest bit of sunshine. In fact, according to weather reports we wouldn't have been able to get out of Alamosa if we'd tried to fly. I'm just glad I'm not up there in a small airplane - we got nauseous enough just driving through that wind. Whew!

So, yesterday we threw things into high gear and were on the road by 2 p.m. We drove to Price, Utah and spent the night in an over-priced Best Western hotel room. This morning we were up and on the road again by 8 o'clock. We stopped once for lunch and got here by 5 p.m. We've already been to Wal-Mart for groceries, eaten our dinner, and are now getting ready for some good sleep! (We hope!)

It's fun coming here to MAF headquarters. Makes us proud all over again to be a part of this organization. And there are so many pretty flowers and green grass around here! It won't be this nice in the Valley for another month. It's colder than I was betting on, but pretty. I'll be plenty hot soon enough anyway. (We going to Indonesia, remember?!)

We're all doing fine. Well, except for one major exception - we all miss Brooklyn! She stayed behind with Grandma and Grandpa so she wouldn't miss any school. I'm dying. I miss her like crazy and I've already realized how stupid we were to leave her. As if missing a few days of kindergarten is a big deal. WHAT WERE WE THINKING? I want her back, please. I'm tempted to drive back to Colorado and pick her up, but Sean has hidden the keys. I don't know that we've ever been apart for more than one night in Brooklyn's whole life. I've been calling her every day. I know she's having blast with Grandma and Grandpa and enjoying some special time with them. She's really fine. In good hands. She misses Maddie...not so sure she misses me yet. I've hardly given her a chance, calling to tell her I love her every five minutes (or at least wanting to, I try to hold back).

Pray for me! These mother feelings are more than I was bargaining for.

Our class starts tomorrow morning. I'm going to put on a brave face and try not to cry my way through it.


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