Freaky Mom at the Swimming Pool

There's this great swimming pool about 30 minutes from our house. It is a lovely spot, set far away from the city of Palangkaraya and tucked in a quiet village on the only hill for miles around. We love going there on Saturday nights. We order chicken curry and watch the kids swim. I like to get in the tepid water for a quick swim and enjoy the little chill-bumps that raise on my skin when I step back out of the water into the fresh night air. Last time we were there, there was a huge storm rumbling as the sun set. By the time the kids were in the pool, it was a downpour. Our friends were with us, and while the kids jumped into the pool, we adults found ourselves a spot out of the rain where we could visit. Every time the lightning struck, I'd glance nervously around, start counting the seconds that passed before I heard the thunder. I was a worried wreck. Five precious little people, including 3 of my own, w...