
Showing posts from October, 2012

Freaky Mom at the Swimming Pool

There's this great swimming pool about 30 minutes from our house.  It is a lovely spot, set far away from the city of Palangkaraya and tucked in a quiet village on the only hill for miles around.  We love going there on Saturday nights.  We order chicken curry and watch the kids swim.  I like to get in the tepid water for a quick swim and enjoy the little chill-bumps that raise on my skin when I step back out of the water into the fresh night air.  Last time we were there, there was a huge storm rumbling as the sun set.  By the time the kids were in the pool, it was a downpour.  Our friends were with us, and while the kids jumped into the pool, we adults found ourselves a spot out of the rain where we could visit. Every time the lightning struck, I'd glance nervously around, start counting the seconds that passed before I heard the thunder.  I was a worried wreck.  Five precious little people, including 3 of my own, were swimming in the midst of a storm.  The storm was quickly 

Smiley Face or Frowny Face?

While Sean and Brooklyn were gone, I tried to venture out at least once a day with the girls - to the store, to KFC - even though these kinds of outings on hot days when the whole country is out and about, really wear me out. My friend and I (her husband also went on the trip) spent a very long time standing in line at KFC, sweat dripping down our backs while we watched our kids weave in and out of dozens of kids on the playplace and we cheered them on as they dodged the cheek-pinching fingers of adults enamored with their pale skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair. When we finally got to the front of the line, the ice was gone and the original recipe chicken was sold out. No matter. I rattled off a different order than the one I'd had in my mind for the past 30 minutes.  The cashier handed me an evaluation card. He expectantly waited for me to fill it out while he watched. I had the option to check the box with the smiley face or the box with the frowny face. This KFC is in the middl

Just two girls and me

Sean and Brooklyn left for a trip a couple of days ago.  It was a lovely, rainy morning but the electricity was already off at 5 a.m. They'd planned on riding the scooter out to the airport but because of the rain, we took the car and the little girls and I dropped them off. I stopped at the donut shop near our house on the way home, and the other two girls and I have been making the best of it since.  The electricity has been going off a lot and, after that one rainy day, it has been really hot and humid.  There have been tears - big, salty ones running down little sisters' cheeks as they discover just how much they love and miss their big sister.  There have also been giggles - quiet, silly ones as little sisters take advantage of a big sister not around to chase them out of her bedroom. I've been trying to remember to do all the chores and remembering all those odds and ends that Sean always takes care of that I totally take for granted.  I miss him - our laughter togeth

So long, ordinary!

My blog might look a touch different to you!  In fact, it even has a new name and it's own fancy address.  I never really liked my old title and I've had it since Ecuador days - it's time for an update!    You will automatically be redirected to my new address,, but feel free to bookmark or subscribe to the new address!  I'm doing a bit of a blog makeover with an updated "About" page and other changes.  I'm hoping to make regular writing more of a part of my day - which just may translate to more regular blog posts.  I'm also in the process of labeling and organizing nearly 700 posts from as far back as 2008.  (Yikes.)  Hope you like it!  Let me know what you think!

Big Chickens

The girls have these books about four big chickens who get into all sorts of trouble.  I adore these books and so do the girls (and so does my mom, who gave them to us).  They are hilarious adventures...and becuase we have chickens, we know how accurate the books really are.  Just so you know, chickens are stupid and ridiculously skittish.  I love having them for the eggs and the entertainment value. I was washing dishes the other day when one of our hens suddenly jumped up pwocking and squawking and rammed her head into the wall next to the window over our sink.  She jumped a good 20 feet in the air and for the life of me, I can't figure out why.  No other creature was around, nothing was chasing her.  One of our hens, we're not sure which one becuase they all look the same, has found a fun place to lay eggs even though she has a perfectly lovely nest box for that.  To this hen, right next to Sean's saw and the spare umbrella in the garage seems like a magical place to lay

Cute quotes and other funny kid stuff

Sean and I in unison when Paige was sniffling and complaing about a runny nose:  "BLOW YOUR NOSE!" Paige: sniff.  "Where's the blower?" ................................................................................................................................................................... Madison proudly proclaiming after I reminded her to brush her teeth:  "Yes, Mommy! I already brushed my teeth....with Daddy's toothbrush!" .................................................................................................................................................................. Madison, who knows "fat" is an unkind word:  "Mommy!  You are really.... fluffy under your tickle rib!" ................................................................................................................................................................ The other day I was lecturing Paige.  I was pretty close to her face, tryi


Can I just say that I'm a little bit proud of myself right now?  Don't ask me how I did it or to do it again but I have my laptop back in running order!!!!!  Disaster, narrowly averted.  Money, saved.  Stress, greatly relieved. I'm just really, really, really, really excited.  That is all.

Randomy Randomness

It is raining more and more regularly!  We are so thankful.  The smoke got very bad there for a few weeks and it was so gross and depressing.  It is nice to see blue sky - or even gray rain clouds - instead of that dull brown fog.   Our electricity has been going off nearly every day.  Usually, it isn't this bad and your guess is as good as mine why this has been a problem all of a sudden.    We've gotten a lot of use out of the generator lately!  We don't turn it on every time the electricity goes out (it is loud and we like to save our gas for true emergencies) but we have had to turn it on a lot lately just to save the food in the freezer!  And to move a little air in the has also been extra-hot. The girls and I are on a homeschool break this week.  We've already finished 9 weeks!  I'm very glad I scheduled in a week off in the fall.  It was time!  We haven't really done anything special but the girls did set up the tent in the schoolroom and have

Maddie's 6th Birthday Interview

My little "Ecuadorian" Redheaded baby!  (at 8 weeks) My little Ecua-Indo-merican Toeheaded Girl!  (at 6 years) What is your favorite activity? "holding Bugsy, playing, eating ice cream, opening presents, feeding a few of my animals." What is your favorite color? "Purple!" What is your favorite toy? "My stuffed tiger." Who are your best friends?  "Reece, Audrey, Catie, the Rogers boys, sugar gliders, Brooklyn, Duchess, Princess, Mommy, Paige and Poppy Dog *giggle* .....Daddy!" What do you want to be when you grow up?  "A vet!" Why?  "I don't know." What are your favorite books?  "the books I'm reading in school" What are your favorite movies?  "Dumbo, MacKenna Shoots for the Stars, Thomasina, and Princess movies" What are your favorite foods?  "cake, cupcakes, brownies, banana splits, cereal, sandwiches, a few of Mom's baking including cornbread!  and hot dogs, kettle corn, s'm

What to get a 6-year-old for her birthday.....

Maddie LOVES animals (as do her sisters) and really wanted a new pet for her birthday.  We were seriously considering an iguana but the store had this little fella you see in Maddie's hands and we got him (and a friend) instead!  That is a sugar glider, a cute flying chipmunk-like marsupial native to this area of the world.  We got both a male and female because we learned online that these little creatures need a friend and we thought it might be fun to see if we could get some babies out of the deal.  (Now, I'm wondering about the wisdom of that.)  Anyway, here is Bugsy, the male - the only one that will even come close to letting  us cuddle.  They sleep all day and Maddie can carry them around with her - too cute!  Google "sugar glider" and you'll find more than you ever needed to know about these cute little critters.  In Maddie's words, these area the "best birthday present ever!"  

Madison is 6!

We celebrated Madison's 6th birthday on the 7th of October.  I can't believe my little "Ecuadorian" is already  six years old.  She's a goofy, funny, sweet, intelligent, loving little girl.  We're pretty glad to have her around!   We were able to have a pizza party with our friends/teammates the Rogers before they headed back to Tarakan to pack their stuff.  (They came temporarily but have since decided to make a permanent move here...woo-hoo!)   Maddie enjoyed her rich, chocolate cake and, of course, getting to blow out her candles and open a present! Just like we did for Brooklyn's birthday, we spent the night at a local nice hotel.  We swam a ton and enjoyed some good food.  Maddie got even more presents that day and when we came home on Sunday she got to pick our dinner - Kettle corn, cornbread, s'mores, and some purple jello that didn't quite set up as fast as we'd hoped!  That girl loves her sweets.   Happy Birthday Maddie!!!