Randomy Randomness

After a couple of really hot days, it finally rained! And boy howdy, did it rain. We woke up to a lake in our yard and the girls didn't take long to find their way into it. The cooler weather and even cold rainwater was a welcome change after days of sweating. It's going to get really humid, though, when the sun comes out. I took Brooklyn and Madison shoe shopping yesterday while Paige was at her Monday preschool time at our teammates' house. We spent about $15 on new flip-flops for all the girls and then went to the new coffee shop in town for yummy strawberry shakes for the little girls and an iced hazelnut coffee drink for Mommy. We had a great time! I should take the girls on little outings like that more often. (And have I mentioned that Palangkaraya is a really awesome place to live?) I just downloaded "The Hunger Games" on my Kindle and I'm already addicted. Good grief, it seems quite odd to be this excited to read about teenagers killing each...