
Showing posts from April, 2012

Randomy Randomness

After a couple of really hot days, it finally rained! And boy howdy, did it rain. We woke up to a lake in our yard and the girls didn't take long to find their way into it. The cooler weather and even cold rainwater was a welcome change after days of sweating. It's going to get really humid, though, when the sun comes out. I took Brooklyn and Madison shoe shopping yesterday while Paige was at her Monday preschool time at our teammates' house. We spent about $15 on new flip-flops for all the girls and then went to the new coffee shop in town for yummy strawberry shakes for the little girls and an iced hazelnut coffee drink for Mommy. We had a great time! I should take the girls on little outings like that more often. (And have I mentioned that Palangkaraya is a really awesome place to live?) I just downloaded "The Hunger Games" on my Kindle and I'm already addicted. Good grief, it seems quite odd to be this excited to read about teenagers killing each

Life and Learning

After a bit of a slump in our homeschooling, I'm beginning to realize how much my girls really learn every single day by just living life and having fun. I had started to panic after we got back from our trip to the States and really buckled down on the girls to do a lot of work. More worksheets, more "studying," extra projects. That went over like a lead balloon. I was feeling especially frustrated when God so gently reminded me that I was a)weak and in need of His strength to do this child-rearing AND educating thing and b) totally turning into a basket case for no reason other than my own misguided attempts at making my children into geniuses. I just get so worked up with fear that my homeschooled missionary kids will fall behind. Let's face it, we expect homeschool kids to be either really stupid or amazingly intelligent. And we all expect missionary kids to be both super self-righteous and completely weird. Of those choices, I'd choose amazingly intell

Tidbits, Odds and Ends, Randomness

First of all, I should mention that I am disappointed that my Dad, of all peanut butter hating people, isn't more sympathetic to our plight. I am not exaggerating when I say we eat peanut butter sandwiches every single day. Even I'm sick of the stuff. What else can we have for lunch? We need some Kraft, People! Second, I'd like to point out that buying 10 boxes of Kraft and not thinking to send even one box to Indonesia is just cruel. That is all. No electricity for 11 hours on Friday - that's a new record! About 9 hours in, we turned the generator on. We don't like running it very much because it is so loud, plus gas is really expensive and hard to get these days. (We waited in line for gas for over an hour the other day. The other option is to buy the more expensive kind - at nearly $5 a gallon.) I actually don't mind a day without electricity, at least on a day that isn't too hot. You sure do take those fans throughout the house for granted un

A Macaroni Experience

We've noticed boxes of Macaroni and Cheese popping up in stores around town. (Okay, not literally popping, but you know what I mean...right?) I could barely contain my excitement! Obviously, it isn't Kraft, but it's something. Most importantly, it's something I don't have to cook completely from scratch. Score! Well, sorta, kinda score. Maybe more like a Close Enough When I'd Rather Poke My Eye Out Than Make or Eat Another Peanut Butter Sandwich Score! I opened up the box, prepared to give my kids a (not) wholesome lunch of Mac'N'Cheese and here is what I find.... 10 macaronis Flavored oil Milk Powder Cheese powder Spicy chile sauce And a package of two dried peas, 50 Orange Dippin Dots and a mystery dried meat-like substance.   Because most Indonesians wouldn't have butter or milk in their kitchen, you are supposed to just add the milk powder and oil to the cheese powder. That way, you get a nice pasty, powdery, oily sauce for your 10 macaron

More Easter!

We had a really nice Easter this year.  Sean and I hosted the Easter dinner for other expats in the area and we shared a great time of worship together and fellowship...but we didn't take a single picture so you'll just have to believe me when I say it was a great time!  I love when we can get together with the few Christian expats that live here for various reasons - Dutch, Swiss, British, American, and also some Indonesians who "married in" to this little motley crew. ;-)  They are all a joy to work with and share with. Here are a few more pictures from our day of hunting and dyeing Easter eggs with the kids!  I love how very serious the girls all look as they are searching for eggs - hey, when candy is involved, all effort must be given to the task at hand!  If only they picked up around the house with as much devotion!


Finally, a moment to do some blogging!  I wanted to share these pictures with you of our Easter celebrations.  The girls had a blast going to our teammates' house for egg decorating and hunting.  Sean got some good pictures of them enjoying the fun.

Good News!

Just a quick update to tell you that Abby is home from the hospital tonight and doing much better! Thank you so much for your prayers!