Tidbits, Odds and Ends, Randomness

  • First of all, I should mention that I am disappointed that my Dad, of all peanut butter hating people, isn't more sympathetic to our plight. I am not exaggerating when I say we eat peanut butter sandwiches every single day. Even I'm sick of the stuff. What else can we have for lunch? We need some Kraft, People! Second, I'd like to point out that buying 10 boxes of Kraft and not thinking to send even one box to Indonesia is just cruel. That is all.
  • No electricity for 11 hours on Friday - that's a new record! About 9 hours in, we turned the generator on. We don't like running it very much because it is so loud, plus gas is really expensive and hard to get these days. (We waited in line for gas for over an hour the other day. The other option is to buy the more expensive kind - at nearly $5 a gallon.) I actually don't mind a day without electricity, at least on a day that isn't too hot. You sure do take those fans throughout the house for granted until they aren't moving any more!
  • I've been working on a prayerletter for nearly a month. It's all ready to go now, I think. I really enjoy writing prayerletters but when life is so busy, its hard to find the time to get it done!
  • Our printer up and died for no apparent reason. We bought it new here a few months ago. We have been through an unusually high number of printers since having children...hmmm.....
  • I have pictures and some fun posts brewing in my mind! Truly, I do. Again, with the busy thing....
  • Happy Birthday to my AWESOME husband and best friend! Sean, you are totally my favorite guy. I am sorry you are getting so old, but I like you better now than I did when you were younger anyway. Happy, Happy Birthday Sean!





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