More Easter!

We had a really nice Easter this year.  Sean and I hosted the Easter dinner for other expats in the area and we shared a great time of worship together and fellowship...but we didn't take a single picture so you'll just have to believe me when I say it was a great time!  I love when we can get together with the few Christian expats that live here for various reasons - Dutch, Swiss, British, American, and also some Indonesians who "married in" to this little motley crew. ;-)  They are all a joy to work with and share with.

Here are a few more pictures from our day of hunting and dyeing Easter eggs with the kids!  I love how very serious the girls all look as they are searching for eggs - hey, when candy is involved, all effort must be given to the task at hand!  If only they picked up around the house with as much devotion!


  1. How FUN!! What sweet little ladies you have! Gabriel was beside himself at the hunt this year, all of his candy was eaten in about 30 seconds.


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