Randomy Randomness

  • After a couple of really hot days, it finally rained! And boy howdy, did it rain. We woke up to a lake in our yard and the girls didn't take long to find their way into it. The cooler weather and even cold rainwater was a welcome change after days of sweating. It's going to get really humid, though, when the sun comes out.
  • I took Brooklyn and Madison shoe shopping yesterday while Paige was at her Monday preschool time at our teammates' house. We spent about $15 on new flip-flops for all the girls and then went to the new coffee shop in town for yummy strawberry shakes for the little girls and an iced hazelnut coffee drink for Mommy. We had a great time! I should take the girls on little outings like that more often. (And have I mentioned that Palangkaraya is a really awesome place to live?)
  • I just downloaded "The Hunger Games" on my Kindle and I'm already addicted. Good grief, it seems quite odd to be this excited to read about teenagers killing each other in the woods...but I am. It has a bit of a Ray Bradbury feel to it and one of my favorite required readings in high school was Fahrenheit 451. I'd love to see the movie too and it's actually on at our theater in town but both my husband and my babysitter (our Indonesian helper/neighbor) have a hard time staying up past 8 p.m.
  • I am really looking forward to Brooklyn getting old enough to go to the movies with me. She is a night owl just like her Mommy! Someday, I will have somebody to stay up late watching movies with....until then, I'll have to enjoy those rare times I can hang out with my niece, who is equally addicted to late nights and good, sappy movies.
  • Sean and the girls have been busily working on a project! They have just finished a great little rabbit hutch...no rabbit yet, though. Stay tuned for more!
  • You can read my latest post on the MAF blog here!
  • After very low-grade fevers over the weekend, Paige and Maddie both broke out with little red spots on their hands, feet, legs, and faces. It is very, very mild and they don't complain about itching. It's already fading, even. I'm almost certain it is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. That seems to be going around a lot here. Or it could be Chickenpox, though they've been vaccinated. Lots of kids I know have broken out with similar spots, and thankfully, this is one mystery illness I'm not too concerned over. Welcome to life in the tropics!
  • Please pray with me about a couple of opportunities coming up for me to do some "out of the house" ministry. It is a very delicate balancing act keeping the family healthy and cared for (my first and most important ministry) and also being more involved with the community and helping others outside our front gate. I'm finally feeling ready to take on more and I'm excited about the possibilities while also terribly afraid of jumping into things to the detriment of my family. Please pray for guidance and wisdom as doors open up!
  • And, some pictures to leave you with....
Truly, we had a LAKE in our front yard this morning!
Not quite deep enough to swim in...but close enough!
Sean flew over the house this morning. Brooklyn and I ran outside to wave at him. (If you look really closely you can see a tiny speck in the sky above...)




  1. Holy smokes!! LOVE that rain! Excited to hear about your new opportunities! I adore dates with the kiddos, I'm sure they loved it!!


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