Downtown shopping

Can you spot the white girl in the photo below? I'm standing in line at a little bakery supply shop on a back alley in downtown Salatiga. Believe it or not, they have a somewhat passable version of chocolate chips there in that little hole-in-the-wall back alley store. (Now there's a sentence you never expect to type in your life.) I wish Sean could have captured the smells and sounds here...this is right behind the major meat market in town. It's a downright "ripe" part of town. Somebody showed me where this little shop is on one of my first trips to the downtown area - only she took me first through the street market and up the stairs and through the meat market and back down the back steps into this alley. I didn't know how to get back to this spot except by retracing our steps all the way through the bloody, stinky meat market until just recently. Whew! I'm so glad I know now how to avoid that unpleasant walk through bloody aisles! The things I...