Happy Birthday Paige!

On December 14, 2008, we welcomed our precious Paige Abigail to the family. Life hasn't been dull since!

She was a precious newborn, whose cries (rare as they were) sounded like kitten meows.
Though you'd never know it now, Paige was the most easy-going baby ever. Angelic. She was our Christmas Angel Baby. She's still our Christmas Angel Baby, but she's also, apparently, human. She is turning two you know. Oh my goodness is she ever turning two.

Paige was born just after we returned to Colorado. She was the best Christmas gift I'd ever received (still is). And she had such soft cheeks. That's what I remember most about her little newborn self - those sweet, soft kissable cheeks that I wanted never to forget. And I haven't. I miss them so.

It'd be safe to say that we all adore her...although it would also be honest to say that sometimes certain big sisters aren't so sure. (Look at Maddie's face!)

Paige Abigail, how did you get to be so big already? Oh my goodness, I love you just as much now as I did the moment I first laid eyes on you! Probably more.

And just so you know, those two-year-old chubby cheeks are pretty great for kissing too.


  1. Happy Birthday, Paigey!! Love you soooo much. Becca, give those cheeks an extra kiss for me.


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