Some of you may know that I was once very interested in the medical field. I took "pre-nursing" courses in Colorado and worked at a small hospital in Alamosa. I loved it all. As a kid, I was fascinated with hospitals. I remember one time in particular when we were at a big city hospital and I just wandered around absorbing all the activity - all the order and effectiveness. To me, it looked like one big team made up of doctors, nurses, lab techs, janitors, and administrators who all worked together to help save lives. I wandered down halls I'm sure I wasn't supposed to go down and eavesdropped on doctors talking a language I was dying to understand. I think that was when I decided I must work in a hospital some day. And I did... For about two years, before we had kids, I worked at the hospital in Alamosa. I started out in Materials Management, which is just a fancy word for supply stocking. While the job wasn't very glamorous, I actually had a good time....